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< Tous les avis Evidence Audio Lyric HG
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Evidence Audio Lyric HG
Evidence Audio Lyric HG
nickname009 nickname009
Publié le 24/04/11 à 04:09
contenu en anglais (contenu en anglais)
I've been seeing and hearing mixed reviews about this cable, most of which are positive but at the same time I've seen quite a few of them coming back as defects so it's hard to say exactly how good this cable is in terms of reliability, I was lucky enough to get one that was working perfectly and gigged with it a few times. It's a very STIFF cable, not really flexible and thus tangles up and STAYS tangled up...I guess it'd be more suitable as a studio cable? It sounds great though of course, but for the price, I'd imagine this being the absolute perfect cable. Is it the perfect cable? No.

The tone is great but I get some really great sounds from just using my other cables (older samson armored cable, core one silver bullet cables) for half the price! Not only that, but the other cables I own are flexible and great for both studio and live use. So why is this cable so much better? I really can't say, I can tell the construction is good and the quality is great but some of it hype. Especially the part about how one end is meant for the guitar and one end is meant for the amp, talk to any amp tech or anybody that knows anything about electrical currents and you'll see that concept makes no logical sense. Just try it, switch the connections and you'll hear absolutely no difference in sound!

So I've pretty much retired this cable as I've found other cables just as good for cheaper, with the same lifetime guarantee and are suitable for both live AND studio use. This cable is definitely over-hyped! It's really good, yes but it's not everything it promises to be.