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Eventide Omnipressor Plug-in

Eventide Omnipressor Plug-in

Compresseur logiciel de la marque Eventide

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Bing... Paff... Splachhh...

Eventide Omnipressor Plug-inPublié le 12/11/19 à 17:08
Bonjour à tous,

L'Eventide Omnipressor est sans nul doute la claque (software) que j'attendais depuis quelques années. Les possibilités et créativités de ce plugins sont si rares dans la concurrence... Mais je dois bien avouer que j'ai surtout découvert "une machine Hardware" (ici en plug) que j'ignorais complètement.
On est tout a fait dans la courette des traitements dynamiques explosifs comme chez Valley People (Dyna Mite), Distressor, SSL "Listen Mic" ou Urei 1176.

C'est coloré et on passe facilement (presque trop ?) de tout a rien. Je ne compte pas l'utiliser pour de la compression subtil mais en mode bucherons (avec un rien de mix tout de même).

A noter que de toutes les belles...…
Lire la suite
Bonjour à tous,

L'Eventide Omnipressor est sans nul doute la claque (software) que j'attendais depuis quelques années. Les possibilités et créativités de ce plugins sont si rares dans la concurrence... Mais je dois bien avouer que j'ai surtout découvert "une machine Hardware" (ici en plug) que j'ignorais complètement.
On est tout a fait dans la courette des traitements dynamiques explosifs comme chez Valley People (Dyna Mite), Distressor, SSL "Listen Mic" ou Urei 1176.

C'est coloré et on passe facilement (presque trop ?) de tout a rien. Je ne compte pas l'utiliser pour de la compression subtil mais en mode bucherons (avec un rien de mix tout de même).

A noter que de toutes les belles références que je site plus haut, aucune ne se transforme en gate comme le Omnipressor...

Franchement a avoir dans sa collection de plug (en attendant comme moi une promo)

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Eventide Omnipressor Plug-inPublié le 16/03/10 à 07:18
contenu en anglais (contenu en anglais)
The Eventide Omnipressor Plug-in is one found in Eventide's Anthology II bundle. I don't know if it is available on it's own, but I don't believe that it is. I didn't have anything to do with installation of the plug-in, as I don't own it and have only used it in a professional recording studio, so it was installed before I got to it. The interface of the Omnipressor Plug-in is pretty simple, and is modeled after the original hardware version of the Omnipressor. I haven't used the original Omnipressor, so going into using this plug-in I didn't have any prior knowledge of the make up of the Omnipressor. However, the parameters available on the Omnipressor Plug-in are ubiquitous for compressors, as it has knobs for threshold, attack time, release time, function, which is basically either your compression ratio or expansion, and for both attenuation limit and gain limit. It also has a series of buttons, including for input calibration (between -10 db and -20 db), bass cut/bass normal, output calibration (between +10 db and +20 db), and for choosing what you view in terms of metering. A manual isn't necessary, but could be helpful for new users.


I'm not running the Eventide Omnipressor Plug-in on my own system, but at the professional studio that I used the plug-in at, it was running on a Pro Tools HD system with a Digidesign 192 I/O interface and Apogee converters. The computer that I ran it on was an Apple Mac G5 desktop. If you're running an HD system with the Omnipressor, you will most likely have no trouble running it, but it is hard to say for sure without actually running it...


For a plug-in, the Eventide Omnipressor Plug-in has a pretty great tone. It isn't my favorite compressor plug-in, but it does have the ability to get some sounds that you can't get from a normal compressor, which is pretty cool. It can be used both as a traditional compressor, as well as an expander, and is capable of getting sounds in between as well. Unfortunately, for those of you who might want the Omnipressor plug-in on it's own, it can only be found in the Eventide Anthology II bundle. However, I would recommend checking out the bundle anyway, as it is overall a great bundle with a ton of other plug-ins worth checking out as well...

Fiche technique

  • Fabricant : Eventide
  • Modèle : Omnipressor Plug-in
  • Catégorie : Compresseurs logiciels
  • Fiche créée le : 16/03/2010

Émulation logicielle du compresseur matériel vintage pour Mac et Windows

Distribué par Mogar


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Autres catégories dans Traitements dynamiques logiciels

Autres dénominations : omnipressor plug in, omnipressorplugin, omnipressorplug in