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MidValleyFX Mad Robot

MidValleyFX Mad Robot

Fuzz guitare de la marque MidValleyFX

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  • Fabricant : MidValleyFX
  • Modèle : Mad Robot
  • Catégorie : Fuzz guitare
  • Fiche créée le : 27/09/2018

Our new Mad Robot fuzz is an oscillating octave up drone fuzz capable of everything from 8 bit tone eating robot malfunctioning sounds to lower gain octave up tones! Knob 5 controls the tone/frequencies all the way to the right is more compressed and saturated and all the way to the left is bigger and open sounding. In Danger Robot in operation mode turning knob 5 all the way to the left increases deep motorboat tones and to the left higher drone frequencies. The number 4 switch, switches between Danger Robot in operation mode to a low gain to high gainish (depending on how hot your pickups are) octave up tone with no oscillations. Knob 3 controls the attack/octave up and in oscillation mode when you turn it down it gets deeper creating for more glitchy 8 bit computer robot noises when you let notes ring out. Knob 2 is the input/presence and increases the depth in oscillation mode when turn down and takes away some gain and presence as well in both modes. Knob 1 is volume and its LOUD!


Autres catégories dans Effets à saturation pour guitare

Autres dénominations : madrobot