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Publié le 04/09/10 à 02:55(contenu en anglais)
The Martin & Co. 000-1 is a jumbo size acoustic guitar. We have one of these at the studio where I work, and it's always getting played and used on records. The one that we have has a custom pick up inside of it, but the stock 000-1 guitars are just acoustic guitars without any pick ups. This guitar in particular was made in the mid 1990's, and I'm not sure exactly how long these guitars were made for in general.
The overall feel and playability of the Martin & Co. 000-1 is outstanding. It's got a really friendly and fluid feeling neck, as it's extremely easy to navigate up and down the neck, regardless of if you're playing rhythm acoustic or lead. The guitar is smaller and feels smaller than your traditional Martin dreadnought guitar, which is definitely something that I welcome. It's got the body you'd see with any jumbo guitar, but that doesn't mean that it's necessarily a big guitar...
The tone of the Martin & Co. 000-1 is terrific overall. While it's a really full sound, it's also bright and vibrant. However, as you'll find with most jumbo sized acoustic guitars, the 000-1 has most of all a great sounding low and low mid end. In general it just sounds clean and in a word, professional. It differs in tone than other Martin guitars that I've played which are usually a bit brighter, but then again this is one my favorite Martin guitars. If you're looking for a really bright sounding acoustic this isn't going to be it, but it's perfect as a more well rounded sounding acoustic.
There isn't a bad thing that I could say about the Martin & Co. 000-1. It plays and sounds great and is in general an almost perfect acoustic guitar. I haven't heard the custom pick up in it however, as I've only played it acoustically to date. I don't know much about the availability of this guitar or if they are still making it, but the 000-1 is a must try for anyone looking to get a top tier acoustic guitar.00