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Aciddose Xhip Effects set

Aciddose Xhip Effects set

Autre traitement dynamique logiciel de la marque Aciddose

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Fiche technique

  • Fabricant : Aciddose
  • Modèle : Xhip Effects set
  • Catégorie : Autres traitements dynamiques logiciels
  • Fiche créée le : 13/12/2010

These effect plugins were originally created for use with Xhip Synthesizer. But they can be used with any other instruments.

Instead of a downloadable manual, detailed documentation is maintained for each effect on the Xhip Effects page.

What are Xhip Effects?

The Xhip Effects bundle are simple, general purpose, rack-mount style effects designed to be flexible, easy to use and most importantly fun.

Many other effects plug-ins are designed with a more specialized focus or attempt to do what some might consider "too much", making them needlessly complex when used for a simple purpose like a stereo delay.

Each effect is designed to include only the most minimal parameters in a knob-strip format much like you'd expect on a rack-mount effect unit or a guitar pedal.

These effects provide every parameter via the plug-in interface for parameter automation and do not include menus, tabbed windows or other more complex UI features. Xhip Effects are intended to be used in a more plug-and-play, old-school, "analog" or "by ear" way rather than including pages of presets or hidden menus and back-panel switches.

The effects include:

  • Reverb - A reverb effect designed to avoid an ultra-smooth fade-to-noise decay.
  • Compressor - Insert compressor based upon a minimal electronic circuit.
  • Gate - Gate effect including many additional features.
  • Limiter - Counterpart to the compressor for limiting with the most simple design possible.
  • Follower - Xhip synthesizer filter controlled by a HAR envelope follower.
  • mDelay - Simple modulated delay effect with tone control and three modes.
  • Phaser - Standard phaser effect with a variable number of stages.
  • Tremolo - Standard tremolo effect with the bonus of a continuously variable LFO shape.
  • Clipper - Generic hard clipper effect which includes oversampling.
  • Multiplier - Unique type of non-linear "fold-back" distortion effect.
  • Quantizer - Time (sample and hold) and amplitude (bit reduction) axis quantization.
  • RC Filter - The most basic analog filter circuit configurable as low-pass or high-pass.
  • Rectifier - A simple diode-like effect capable of half or full rectification.
  • Ringmod - This is a simple ring-mod effect with a timbre control.
  • Vocal - A simple vowel/phoneme synthesizing filter.

Xhip has an account at soundcloud with some example audio clips available.

The Xhip account on soundcloud includes demos of the effects as well as the tracks included there use almost exclusively Xhip Effects.


Autres catégories dans Traitements dynamiques logiciels

Autres dénominations : xhip effects set, xhipeffectsset, xhipeffects set