Non je parle pas de correction de latence mais d'horloge, si l'"horloge midi" est l'ordi tu peux être sûr qu'il y aura un décalage ou un retard au démarrage avec une bar, un sequenceur hard ou un 2eme ordi.
D'ou les solutions Innerclocks , SND, expert sleepers.
En multitracking on accepte de tout recaler à la main dans le DAW après coup ou de lancer chaque machine en enregistrement piste par piste à l'oreille.
Dangereux aussi pour le live.
Encore une fois je parle pas midi notes etc mais midi sync: d'horloge à horloge.
Exemple Live + machinedrum + mpc + tr-808 bon courage pour que tout reste au tempo et dans un setup live-machine tout caler à la main est périlleux.
with live as master, hitting start does not start all slaved hardware at once, it's like there's a 1/16 ~ 1/4 delay depending on the slaved hardware, the hardware eventually catches up and does seem to settle after an initial 20~30 seconds or so of ableton playing as midi clock master
i went ahead and set 1/4 note kick drum on the octatrack and 1/4 kick drum in ableton recording both to a single channel for about 14 minutes just letting them run, it's not perfect but is better than having ableton slaved which seems to randomly jump up and down bpm all throughout the entire time playing; innerclock systems solution for this problem is most likely what i will eventually invest in, though the acme4 would probably worth setting aside a bit more cash and waiting a bit longer to acquire, both of these hardware systems seem to provide perfect timing and start time from a computer, just drives me bonkers thinking about it when i remember how rock solid ye olde atari 1080st was