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réactions à la news L'Electribe est de retour chez Korg

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Sujet de la discussion L'Electribe est de retour chez Korg
Korg présente aujourd’hui ses nouveautés de la rentrée, et parmi elle deux nouvelles versions du séquenceur Electribe.

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Citation :
Jusque là comme je suivais pas, je me permettais de raconter nawak, si maintenant vous faites pareil je vais être obligé de suivre le fil, rien que d'y penser je fatigue

T'inquiètes pas, je viens en renfort... :-D

"pour votre synthé, pratiquez une activité musicale régulière »


« What is full of redundancy or formula is predictably boring. What is free of all structure or discipline is randomly boring. In between lies art. » (Wendy Carlos)

Les Jap sont pas vraiment au point niveau musiques électroniques

Laissez vous aller c'est juste des barrières culturelles :oops2:

Dans l'ensemble avec tout ce qu'on a pu voir et pour 400 € ça devient dur d'en dire du mal de cette bécane non ?

Je les trouve assez "généreux" et prolixes en ce moment chez korg

[ Dernière édition du message le 13/11/2014 à 23:50:36 ]

Bah de toutes facons vu la misere que ca a ete dans cette gamme de prix au niveau groovebox depuis quelques annees, il en fallait pas beaucoup. Enfin plus que la Wolf quand meme...:oops2:
Citation de CloudBreak :
Bah de toutes facons vu la misere que ca a ete dans cette gamme de prix au niveau groovebox depuis quelques annees, il en fallait pas beaucoup. Enfin plus que la Wolf quand meme...:oops2:

Un step sequenceur 32 pas avec des pouet pouet en plus si désiré c'est pas mal pour 200 € en même temps,

Faut ptetre prendre le "problème" de la RW a l'envers en fait ( elle fait du midi out au moins ?)
Elle a un MIDI out ouais mais bon, tu rajoutes un module de drum et tu sales la facture direct... Et si c'est que pour sequencer un synthe bah y a d'autres options plus interessantes dans les memes eaux.
je crains d'etre ds les derniers à préco ma nouvelle grovbox.

sut thomann (ou ailleurs ???)

genre les premiers les premiers servis !

Citation :
I finally have it. This 1st post will be edited several times as I will add stuff during the weekend.

Here are some photo's for your hardware-porn needs:

The first thing I did before even trying it out, was to update the firmware. Found out you have to format the SD-card through the Electribe itself before transferring the firmware-file to the SD-card. It won't work if you just format it with the PC and transfer.

First impressions (I've used it for like 10 mins just listening to the presets):

1.) The sound quality is amazing!
2.) The presets are really good. I'm really surprised here. Won't be deleting these right away.
3.) It is "heavy". Much heavier than what I was expecting. You have to feel it yourself to understand it. Also the metal is sweeet.

That's it for now. Time to play! Twisted Evil

Update 1

Here's a recording from a preset called "Trap" and the famous "Traveller". Enjoy! <-- Trap <-- Traveller

Update 2 Every sound can have it's own dedicated effect.

You can individually customize your parameters of choice to each sound of the 16 sounds (parts) you have. Example: If you have a "Kick-part", this layer can have it's own AMP/EG-customizations and effects, while your "snare-part" can have something completely different. Your "synth"-part could have "delay" and your Hi-hats can have maxed decay. It's all up to you. So all in all you can have 16 layers of sounds with 16 completely different "effects" on each layer.

Update 3


I don't know everything and I don't understand every question that good, after all, I am Norwegian. I answer the ones I think I know the answer to.

1.) Does the sequencer records velocity when setting steps? - It only records velocity when you record live. You have to activate velocity to "on" in the menu, though. I'm still not completely sure, though.
2.) Can I use more than one modulation preset per part simultaneously?
- Yes.
3.) Will the Audio In Thru option (to be found in Global Settings) be memorized? - Yes, it can be saved to "on" or "off".
4.) How about MIDI channels? Is the MIDI channel identical with the corresponding part number or is it adjustable per part? - The MIDI-setting is a part of the Global settings. This means that It's the same midi channel all over.

Looking through the two manuals available online, I'm only seeing a list of "OSC Types" and preset patterns. Is there actually a selection of preset sound patches and full drum kits to choose from? - Yes. Actually Every OSC Type has it's own "chosen" sounds. It's kinda like a preset for that sound. This means that if you choose the sound "M1 Piano" for example, the snare will be the "SnareVox"-sample. But if you choose sound "Conga5" the snare will be the "Nuxx"-sample.

Of course you can change the snare to another snare, but when you first start off, OSC Types are "presets" for certain music genres

Update 4: "Gap between patterns" - UPDATE!!

I think I was little too fast here. "Lost in translation". The answer is that there IS a GAP between the patterns. This means that a delay-effect from pattern 1 will not overlap to pattern 2. I guess the best thing is to just make 1 big pattern or overlap on parts where there aren't too many effects going on at the end of the 1st pattern.

Update 5 - The lights beneath the Electribe only light up when a power source is connected. This means that they won't light up when running on batteries.

"The answer is that there IS a GAP between the patterns. This means that a delay-effect from pattern 1 will not overlap to pattern 2." :surpris:

« What is full of redundancy or formula is predictably boring. What is free of all structure or discipline is randomly boring. In between lies art. » (Wendy Carlos)

[ Dernière édition du message le 14/11/2014 à 22:51:12 ]