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Qu'est-ce qui vous amuse automatiquement ?

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Sujet de la discussion Qu'est-ce qui vous amuse automatiquement ?
Putain!!! y démarre grave ton topic :mdr:
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Citation de : Will Zégal

Un decorticage des argumentaires de mauvaise foi. Vous allez en reconnaître plein :

 Tu lis Korben aussi mrgreen ?


Citation :
What's a guy to do in the summer when his company bans shorts? Well, if you're a Swedish train driver, the answer is to wear skirts instead.

Male drivers on the Roslagsbanan line, north of Stockholm, have been wearing skirts to work for the past two weeks — and their employer, Arriva, is reportedly fine with it.

Arriva banned shorts from driver's approved uniforms when it took over the line last year, and the new guidelines require employees to wear long trousers or skirts. So, in protest of the shorts ban, and in heat (train temperatures reach into the high 90's), 13 male drivers began wearing the approved skirts to work.

"We have always said that when summer comes, we will get some skirts and wear them. It's very warm weather here so we would like to wear shorts but if we can't then we have skirts for comfort," 30-year-old driver Martin Akersten told the BBC.

The uniform regulations don't specify gender, and the company doesn't appear to care who wears what.

"Our thinking is that one should look decent and proper when representing Arriva and the present uniforms do that. If the man only wants [to wear] a skirt then that is OK," Arriva communications manager Tomas Hedenius told Swedish newspaper Mitti. "To tell them to do something else would be discrimination."

Akersten says customer response has been positive, but Arriva is reportedly holding a meeting in September to determine the future of the company's uniform guidelines.

En gros, les mecs ont pas eu le droit de porter des shrots malgré la chaleur, donc ils mettent des jupes parce qu'on peut pas les en empêcher. :Suède:

L'appétit vient en mangeant ; la réforme, c'est pas sorcier ; le campement léger en plein air, non. Cupidon

Citation :
Au hasard, youtou, stratguy, picto?


Citation de : tihouss

Citation :
What's a guy to do in the summer when his company bans shorts? Well, if you're a Swedish train driver, the answer is to wear skirts instead.

Male drivers on the Roslagsbanan line, north of Stockholm, have been wearing skirts to work for the past two weeks — and their employer, Arriva, is reportedly fine with it.

Arriva banned shorts from driver's approved uniforms when it took over the line last year, and the new guidelines require employees to wear long trousers or skirts. So, in protest of the shorts ban, and in heat (train temperatures reach into the high 90's), 13 male drivers began wearing the approved skirts to work.

"We have always said that when summer comes, we will get some skirts and wear them. It's very warm weather here so we would like to wear shorts but if we can't then we have skirts for comfort," 30-year-old driver Martin Akersten told the BBC.

The uniform regulations don't specify gender, and the company doesn't appear to care who wears what.

"Our thinking is that one should look decent and proper when representing Arriva and the present uniforms do that. If the man only wants [to wear] a skirt then that is OK," Arriva communications manager Tomas Hedenius told Swedish newspaper Mitti. "To tell them to do something else would be discrimination."

Akersten says customer response has been positive, but Arriva is reportedly holding a meeting in September to determine the future of the company's uniform guidelines.

En gros, les mecs ont pas eu le droit de porter des shrots malgré la chaleur, donc ils mettent des jupes parce qu'on peut pas les en empêcher. :Suède:

Je me tâte à faire la même chose cet été.

parce que je vais péter de chaud, et parce que c'est féministe.


Référence en matière de bon gout capillaire et vestimentaire.
homme à tête de zizi.

Citation :
les mecs ont pas eu le droit de porter des shrots

[ Dernière édition du message le 10/06/2013 à 14:07:59 ]

J'ai toujours trouvé ça injuste les codes vestimentaires. Une femme porte une petite robe légère qui lui arrive au-dessus des genoux, on trouve ça charmant ; ramène-toi avec un short du même acabit et on verra où ça mène.

À cause de ça, j'ai décidé de soutenir le port du marcel pour les mecs. Ca permet en plus de réduire la population torse-nue l'été :surpris:

L'appétit vient en mangeant ; la réforme, c'est pas sorcier ; le campement léger en plein air, non. Cupidon

pareil pour les nu pieds

il faudra penser à fonder l'OLP: organisation de libération du pied

Non je ne mettrai pas de pull


Et avec un marcel, les aisselles sont mieux aérées, donc moins de déodorants utilisés, moins de gaz à effet de serre rejetés dans l'atmosphère. Le port du marcel est donc une attitude écolo-responsable, en plus d'être de bon goût vestimentaire. redface2


Citation de : samy dread

pareil pour les nu pieds

il faudra penser à fonder l'OLP: organisation de libération du pied

  eek  Monsieur le Chien.... c'est toi ?

"L'Homme est la nature prenant conscience d'elle même." - Elisée Reclus

euh non!

Non je ne mettrai pas de pull