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Sujet Comment avoir le meme niveau de volume que les ingés pros ,

  • 50 réponses
  • 17 participants
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Sujet de la discussion Comment avoir le meme niveau de volume que les ingés pros ,
bon j'ai essayé pas mal de limiteurs logiciels, et quand j'augmente le volume, le son sature et c'est pas beau. Je n'ai que des plugs ins.
Savez vous comment vous les ingénieurs du son professionels font pour avoir autant de volume ?
Est ce que on est obligé de passer en hardware dans une table de mixage ou le péquin moyen peut avoir autant de volume dans wavelab ? SInon je pensais acehter un TC ELECtronic Finaliser.

QUe   faire pour augementer moin volume sachant aussi que j'ai besoin de grosses caisses assez lourdes parfois.
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Citation de scare :
Hors sujet :
“I recorded Lily’s voice with the Neuman U87, going through the Neve 1073 and then an 1176. Most of her vocals were recorded in the cottages where we wrote, which is the reason that there’s so much volume automation on her vocal track; on 52/53 is the vocal double, which is muted; and 54-71 are alternate vocal tracks that are also muted. The rooms often had stone walls and were really live and echoey, and every little background sound could be heard, so I had to do a lot of automation between words. Yeah, there are a lot of plug-ins on the vocal track! I automated the Pitch Correction, occasionally nudging a note that bugged me. It’s not there all the time. The EQ adds some top end and takes off some sub frequencies, to clean up the track. The compressor works just like a regular vocal compressor, just keeping the vocal level in check a little bit, but nothing major. I had never ever used the Exciter before, but when I was messing around with the vocal, I liked what it did, even though I’m not entirely sure what, and I left it on. The Tape Delay is just a very subtle delay that I also filtered to make it sound dark. The Gain is there just for level adjustment, and the additional EQ adds yet more top end, and was something I added as a last-minute thing.”

Oui... tout à fait... il me semblait bien l'avoir lu quelque part... 

Demain ou le week-end j'essayerai de faire une capture video du mixdown de ce titre..

A très vite


Creative Analog Mastering for the Listeners.
Specialised in Mastering for Streaming Platforms (Sporify, Apple Music, Tidal, Youtube)