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Ableton Live 7
Ableton Live 7

Séquenceur généraliste de la marque Ableton appartenant à la série Live 7

Sujet Live 7.0.7 dispo

  • 5 réponses
  • 3 participants
  • 820 vues
Sujet de la discussion Live 7.0.7 dispo

Citation : Changes from Live 7.0.5 to Live 7.0.7


Updated manuals

Updated texts

Updated lesson package

Suppressing unnecessary question about "stop audio" on document close.

Bug fixes:

Running the “Analyze audio” command from the context menu of the File Browser would only create .asd files if the respective Preferences option was set to “On”. Now “Analyze audio” is independent of the preferences option.

On Mac OS X, the date in Live's File Browser would not reflect daylight savings time.

Under certain conditions, the pad of a Drum Rack would have a “sticky” hotswap button until mousing over that pad again.

The progress bar for consolidating could sometimes show values greater than 100%.

When switching the MIDI input sources of a track, pitchbend values would not be reset.

MIDI mapping the transpose parameter of an audio clip could lead to not quantized values.

Sending of MIDI Song Position Pointer message beyond bar 1025 would lead to incorrect behavior and different behavior on Mac OS X and Windows.

Under certain conditions, the Operator and Sampler envelopes could go out of sync. We provide a Options.txt entry called “_AdsrRepeatQuantizeTo16th” to restore the previous behavior.

Certain Live sets originally created on Mac OS X and containing Audio Units within the chain of a Rack would crash when opening on Windows.

The display of a Mackie Control-based surface controller would not be updated when several sections of the Simpler or Sampler instrument were switched off or on.

The display of a Mackie Control-based surface controller would not be updated after renaming a particular device.

The LFO sync rate parameter of the Sampler would not be available as a clip envelope.

The time range display of the render dialog would not reflect an Arranger selection with a time signature change.

Even if all external device tracks were frozen, rendering would still happen in real-time.

Deleting an audio file within Live's Browser which was currently being previewed was not possible.

C'est la valse des updates ces temps-ci???
La 7.0.6, elle est passé où?

Pour la pédagogie virtuelle, contre l'assistanat numérique... ;-)

Il faut installer par-dessus la version précédente ? Ou bien désinstaller au préalable ?

ziq : | drum samples :


Citation : Il faut installer par-dessus la version précédente ? Ou bien désinstaller au préalable ?

Elle s'installe en parallèle de la version présente sur ton dur.

Ceci dit, la question m'intéresse, car chez moi, je viens de m'apercevoir que les versions cohabitent toutes sur le dur de mon ordi.
Si je désinstalle les versions les plus anciennes, y-a-t'il des fichiers communs que je risque de dégager par inadvertance ou je peux y aller comme un barbare ???


Pour la pédagogie virtuelle, contre l'assistanat numérique... ;-)

Je suis un peu sot (et amnésique) : j'avais posé la question au service technique il y a quelques mois :oops:

Voici donc la réponse (en un mot, c'est "oui") :

Citation : >> Yes. Both versions can run peacefully side-by-side. In your particular
>> case I would however recommend the following procedure:
>> 1. install 7.0.2.
>> 2. run 7.0.2
>> 3. open preferences and write down or remember any and all important
>> settings. most importantly: the path of the 'library location' and
>> your 'custom VST folder' (both can be found in the 'file folder'
>> preferences tab).
>> 4. close Live
>> 5. trash the 7.0.2 'preferences.cfg' file which is here:
>> c:/documents and settings/[your username]/application
>> data/ableton/live 7.0.2/preferences/preferences.cfg
>> Note that on some Windows systems the application data folder is
>> hidden by default. Here is what you have to do to make it visible:
>> -Launch Windows Explorer.
>> -Select 'Tools -> Folder Options -> View'.
>> -Check 'Show hidden files and folders'.
>> 6. launch 7.0.2 again. reassign the library folder and the VST folder
>> in Live's preferences. Restore your audio and MIDI settings. NOTE: all
>> MIDI port type settings should already be set to 'MME' by default.
>> Leave them as they are.
>> 7. you can now uninstall 7.0.1 if you want. You can also keep it. It
>> doesn't take up much space anyway.

ziq : | drum samples :

Bon, ça semble clair. Thanks.

Pour la pédagogie virtuelle, contre l'assistanat numérique... ;-)