[News] [NAMM] Akai MPC 5000
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Los Teignos
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Membre depuis 22 ans
Sujet de la discussion Posté le 18/01/2008 à 08:19:36[News] [NAMM] Akai MPC 5000
Du séquenceur/sampleur à la workstation, il n'y a qu'un pas et il semblerait qu'Akai l'ait franchi avec sa nouvelle MPC 5000, qui propose désormais un synthé à modélisation analogique en plus des habituelles fonctions de la MPC.
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Le GIEC chiffre à 3,3 milliards le nombre de victimes du réchauffement climatique. On en parle ?
201 Posté le 30/12/2008 à 20:24:30
Guetta il fait sa zic avec logic et live, donc ces softs sont nul?
Membre depuis 16 ans
202 Posté le 30/12/2008 à 21:16:49
Citation : Guetta il fait sa zic avec logic et live, donc ces softs sont nul?
Trop fort
Techno écoute ici
Membre depuis 19 ans
203 Posté le 31/12/2008 à 02:33:36
Aikah tu m'as gâché l'année 2008
Mais le séquenceur du phantom comme la mv rappelle cubase alors que la mpc d'avantage à live( impec pour les breaks à la vollée)en oubliant les pbs de latence. WHAOUUU!
Le synthé de la 5000 reste assez inutilisable pour l'instant au niveau des filtres mais les 10 sorties audio en font une bombe( si JJ pouvait allumer la mêche )
A plus dans l'bus! Et faites doucement!
Au fait, rien à voir:
Mais le séquenceur du phantom comme la mv rappelle cubase alors que la mpc d'avantage à live( impec pour les breaks à la vollée)en oubliant les pbs de latence. WHAOUUU!
Le synthé de la 5000 reste assez inutilisable pour l'instant au niveau des filtres mais les 10 sorties audio en font une bombe( si JJ pouvait allumer la mêche )
A plus dans l'bus! Et faites doucement!
Au fait, rien à voir:
Membre depuis 18 ans
204 Posté le 02/01/2009 à 11:11:57
Moi j adore les os poudre aux yeux de chez roland avec leurs belles interfaces qui servent à rien.
Chez eux maintenant c est 3 boutons en facade et 20000 sous menus. Super l intuitivité !
Ils feraient bien de revenir à leurs produits vintages avec des fonctions simples mais efficaces !
Si je veux un sequencer visuel et un bel ecran perso j achete un PC...
Chez eux maintenant c est 3 boutons en facade et 20000 sous menus. Super l intuitivité !
Ils feraient bien de revenir à leurs produits vintages avec des fonctions simples mais efficaces !
Si je veux un sequencer visuel et un bel ecran perso j achete un PC...
Posteur·euse AFfiné·e
Membre depuis 21 ans
205 Posté le 07/01/2009 à 16:32:11
Slt a tous,
J'entends souvent parler de JJ, c'est un programmeur d'akai?
J'entends souvent parler de JJ, c'est un programmeur d'akai?
Membre depuis 19 ans
206 Posté le 07/01/2009 à 18:16:29
In the summer of 2006, an anonymous programmer believed to be an ex-Akai employee released a 3rd party OS for the MPC 1000 and later for the MPC 2500. This programmer was nicknamed "JJ" or "Japanese Jenius" by an enthusiastic fan/beta tester.
This new software boasts superior features to those of the original OS and also fixes a number of bugs in the Akai software.[21]. Collective additions include "midi grid edit" (piano roll), extensive qlink support, audio tracks, aftertouch, portamento, and innumerable performance and system tweaks. The demo version lacks a save capability, which is unlocked with the purchase of a password for $50.
As a programmer, JJ is characterized by his frequent updates and attentiveness to customer feedback. Despite a significant language barrier (Japanese-English) JJ OS users maintain a steady stream of dialog with the programmer. This steady flow of dialog between the user and the programmer is further maintained through the ability to report a bug in the system directly to JJ through the "Report a Bug" link on the JJ OS website.
In late December, 2007, JJ released a beta version of OS 2, which has since gone gold. This version gives the 1000 and 2500 features[22] found on the more expensive MPC 4000, such as ADSR for pitch, amp and filter, keymaps etc. On March 11th, 2008, The 1.0 version of OS2 was released, adding more sound editing possibilities, including: fade in and out, and combine of two sounds. It also added audio track improvements, which mainly focused around the ability to apply pads to markers with in an audio track. These are just an example of improvements made in the 1.0 version. [23]
There is an extended community of users of all of the versions of the JJ operating system on mpc-forums.com (MPC 1000 and MPC 2500)
There are three different versions of the JJ OS available for download.
[edit] JJ OS 3.08 (free)
This version is the most similar to the Akai OS, and does not include many new features, however it has fixed a series of bugs.
[edit] JJ OS1
A version of "OS1" which is the most stable version of the all of the JJ OS's. The user must purchase a password for $30.00 US dollars (or $40 for the MPC 2500). OS1 is currently in version 4.99B. The most recent MPC 2500 version (10.16.2008) is 5.55.
* LED Screen
* Velocity Trigger Qlinks
* Effects Modulation
* Insert Silence
* Increased Sound Editing through TRIM mode
* MIDI Time Clock (MTC) and MIDI Machine Control (MMC)
* MIDI, 6 and 16 pad DRAM, Q-Link, and audio Grid Edit
* Simult Sequence
* Recordable Track Mutes [24]
[edit] JJ OS2
The last version of the JJ OS is OS2, which was released in beta form in late December 2007. Many of these features that have been added by OS2 have been compared to features included in the high-end MPC 4000. Like OS1, it can be downloaded and tried free of charge, but users are unable to save. This can be unlocked by purchasing a password for OS2, however, users are unable to install OS2 unless they already have installed an unlocked version of OS1 first. On March 11th 2008 version 1.0 was released[23], and as of 04.08.2008, the JJOS2 is available for both the MPC1000(v1.06) and the MPC2500(v1.04), with both costing $49.
* Filter, Amp, and Pitch ADSR envelopes
* Aftertouch
* Multi-sample instrument programs including portamento
* Sample Layer Crossfade
* Non-destructive Chop
* Track Mixer
* Pad Pattern
* Fade in and out
* Grid Edit Loop Edit
* Improved audio tracks including audio markers and start offset
In the summer of 2006, an anonymous programmer believed to be an ex-Akai employee released a 3rd party OS for the MPC 1000 and later for the MPC 2500. This programmer was nicknamed "JJ" or "Japanese Jenius" by an enthusiastic fan/beta tester.
This new software boasts superior features to those of the original OS and also fixes a number of bugs in the Akai software.[21]. Collective additions include "midi grid edit" (piano roll), extensive qlink support, audio tracks, aftertouch, portamento, and innumerable performance and system tweaks. The demo version lacks a save capability, which is unlocked with the purchase of a password for $50.
As a programmer, JJ is characterized by his frequent updates and attentiveness to customer feedback. Despite a significant language barrier (Japanese-English) JJ OS users maintain a steady stream of dialog with the programmer. This steady flow of dialog between the user and the programmer is further maintained through the ability to report a bug in the system directly to JJ through the "Report a Bug" link on the JJ OS website.
In late December, 2007, JJ released a beta version of OS 2, which has since gone gold. This version gives the 1000 and 2500 features[22] found on the more expensive MPC 4000, such as ADSR for pitch, amp and filter, keymaps etc. On March 11th, 2008, The 1.0 version of OS2 was released, adding more sound editing possibilities, including: fade in and out, and combine of two sounds. It also added audio track improvements, which mainly focused around the ability to apply pads to markers with in an audio track. These are just an example of improvements made in the 1.0 version. [23]
There is an extended community of users of all of the versions of the JJ operating system on mpc-forums.com (MPC 1000 and MPC 2500)
There are three different versions of the JJ OS available for download.
[edit] JJ OS 3.08 (free)
This version is the most similar to the Akai OS, and does not include many new features, however it has fixed a series of bugs.
[edit] JJ OS1
A version of "OS1" which is the most stable version of the all of the JJ OS's. The user must purchase a password for $30.00 US dollars (or $40 for the MPC 2500). OS1 is currently in version 4.99B. The most recent MPC 2500 version (10.16.2008) is 5.55.
* LED Screen
* Velocity Trigger Qlinks
* Effects Modulation
* Insert Silence
* Increased Sound Editing through TRIM mode
* MIDI Time Clock (MTC) and MIDI Machine Control (MMC)
* MIDI, 6 and 16 pad DRAM, Q-Link, and audio Grid Edit
* Simult Sequence
* Recordable Track Mutes [24]
[edit] JJ OS2
The last version of the JJ OS is OS2, which was released in beta form in late December 2007. Many of these features that have been added by OS2 have been compared to features included in the high-end MPC 4000. Like OS1, it can be downloaded and tried free of charge, but users are unable to save. This can be unlocked by purchasing a password for OS2, however, users are unable to install OS2 unless they already have installed an unlocked version of OS1 first. On March 11th 2008 version 1.0 was released[23], and as of 04.08.2008, the JJOS2 is available for both the MPC1000(v1.06) and the MPC2500(v1.04), with both costing $49.
* Filter, Amp, and Pitch ADSR envelopes
* Aftertouch
* Multi-sample instrument programs including portamento
* Sample Layer Crossfade
* Non-destructive Chop
* Track Mixer
* Pad Pattern
* Fade in and out
* Grid Edit Loop Edit
* Improved audio tracks including audio markers and start offset
Membre depuis 16 ans
207 Posté le 16/01/2009 à 08:33:40
Ils parlent de l'OS V2 sur le site d'akai ,disponible au printemps
Membre depuis 19 ans
208 Posté le 16/01/2009 à 12:14:37
En espérant qu'ils auront baissé un peu le volume lors de la lecture des samples du disque dur.
J'ai bosser au casque cette nuit et là ça pique un peu (les oreilles)
L'état est aveugle rendons le sourd, pour l'instant c pas trop ça!
plaisanterie mise à part: font chier RAKAI
(Petite pensée pour Danhill qui attends la nouvelle os pour bosser dessus)
ps: pour le nouveau mode fine de shop shop si ils pouvaient augmenter la vitesse de la molette de qques cm/heure on gagnerait beaucoup de temps
En espérant qu'ils auront baissé un peu le volume lors de la lecture des samples du disque dur.
J'ai bosser au casque cette nuit et là ça pique un peu (les oreilles)
L'état est aveugle rendons le sourd, pour l'instant c pas trop ça!
plaisanterie mise à part: font chier RAKAI
(Petite pensée pour Danhill qui attends la nouvelle os pour bosser dessus)
ps: pour le nouveau mode fine de shop shop si ils pouvaient augmenter la vitesse de la molette de qques cm/heure on gagnerait beaucoup de temps
Membre depuis 18 ans
209 Posté le 16/01/2009 à 19:27:27
Citation : si ils pouvaient augmenter la vitesse de la molette de qques cm/heure on gagnerait beaucoup de temps
Mode turbo, ce sera son petit nom
Posteur·euse AFfolé·e
Membre depuis 19 ans
210 Posté le 17/01/2009 à 00:21:06
Le os v2,00 va tous dechirer
mpc 5000 forever !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
mpc 5000 forever !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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