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Sujet Camouflage et leurs synthes

  • 6 réponses
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Sujet de la discussion Camouflage et leurs synthes
D'apres vous quels types se synthes utilisent t ils ?

Plutot modelisation analogique, FM (genre FS1R), echantillonnes ....

Vos avis please.

Sons New Wave = :aime:
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Alors ça :!!!!! qquu'un qui connaît Camouflage ici !!!!!!!!!!!!

Message sur un forum de Heiko de Camouflage:

Citation : For SENSOR we used to work in different studios - this list is just about my current gear in my studio.
Bye for now....Heiko

Computer & Harddiscrecording:
Apple G4 2x 1GhZ Computer
Apple Powerbook Titanum G4
Atari ST4 (still there!)

Digidesign - MixPlus 24 bit
Digidesign - 888/24 Bit Interface
Digidesign - 882/20 Bit Interface
Digidesign - 1622/20 Bit Interface
Emagic - AMT 8 Midi Interface
Opcode - Studio 4 Midi Interface

Emagic - Logic Audio Platinum
Digidesign - Pro Tools
Logic - ESB System Bridge / TDM > VST
Adaptec - JAM
Emagic - Wave Burner

Software Instruments:
Emagic - ES-1 Virtual Synthesizer
Emagic - ES-2 Virtual Synthesizer
Emagic - EXS Virtual Sampler
TC WORKS FX Machine / Synthesizer Generator
Emagic - Evoc Vocoder / Filterbank

EMU - Emulator 4XT Ultra Sampler (128MB)
AKAI - S3000i (32MB)
Digidesign - Sample Cell Card TDM

Clavia - Nordlead 1
Yamaha - SY 99
Studio Electronics - SE1
Sequntial Circuits - Prophet 5
Roland - System 100 modular (101,102,104)
Roland - JV 1080 (extended)
Roland - MKS 80 (+ programmer)
Roland - Juno 60 (midi)
Roland - VP330 Vocoder
Roland - A50 (masterkeyboard)
Moog - The Source
Moog - Liberation
Solina Sting Ensemble

Drum Boxes:
Roland - TR 808
Roland - CR 78
Korg - KPR 77

EFX (Hardware):
Eventide - DSP4000 Harmonizer
Lexicon - PCM 80
MXR - Flanger / Doubler

EFX (Software):
Digidesign - REV one
Wave Mechanics - Ultra Tools

Genelec - 1031A amplified monitor speakers
Yamaha - NS10 monitors + Yamaha amplifier

Mackie CR 1604 (just monitoring!)
every synthesizer is directly connected to digidesign interfaces.

Roland - MPU 101 (midi to cv/gate converter)
Funk Studiotechnik - DAS (Digital Audio Switcher)
Funk Studiotechnik - headphone amp
Sony - PCM 2600 DAT recorder
Suzuki - Omnichord, analog and digital versions
Wurlitzer E Piano


Citation : Hard to say .... we used a lot of different gear!
i give you an example.
You might can hear some "harmonic - bell - pad" during the bridge part (bring it all together ....) of Me And You.
If I remember right, this sound was there from the demo version to finisihed mix.
At the beginning the sound was a usual rhodes piano. Just some soft notes. I added some extra long and strange reverb of my eventide DSP 4000 Harmonizer. After I recorded this, I took some samples out of it, and I played it again - like a second generation of sound. Now it sounded quite different. When we switched over into Humate' s (Producer) Studio , he came up with some re-edits of this part. He mixed the same file in forward and backward versions, created some crossfades .....
At the end we had somthing really new - a mixture between sampling, efx, and editing.

Basically we used a lot of outboard equipment and "internal" gear .. such as the ES-1, ES-2 both emagic synthesizers, and the great TCWORKS VST Instruments. But of course - I used again a lot of my vintage Keyboards.

Sur "SENSOR" j'ai vraiment l'impression d'entendre un DX7 cependant c'est un peu trop propre pour du DX ou TX. C'est pourquoi je pensais au FS1R ou SY77/99.
Pour les nappes c'est vrai que ca sens le D-50.

Et au passage, OranGe, tu classerais ce groupe dans quelle categorie musicale ? ?New wave deuxieme generation ou ?
Tu as ete plus rapide que moi ... mon poste est deja out of date ...
Oué c'est de la synthpop, electropop, je dirai. Mais kler, mon premier avis se penchait sur du Dx et D50. Comme quoi, puis vla la liste :8O: