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< Tous les avis Antares Audio Technology Harmony Engine
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Antares Audio Technology Harmony Engine
Antares Audio Technology Harmony Engine
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Publié le 21/05/09 à 18:33
contenu en anglais (contenu en anglais)
Installing the Antares Systems Harmony Engine plug-in was a quick process and was one without any problems or compatibility issues at all. I had the plug-in up and running in only a couple of minutes from the time that I began to install it. The interface of the software is somewhat complex as there is a lot going on, but after playing around with it a little I was able to figure it out rather quickly. This plug-in has the capability to add four different harmony parts above your original signal, with four separate sections for each of these. Each has parameters for pan, rate, onset delay, pitch amount, and amp amount. It also has an input section as well as a harmony control section and a variety of harmony presets. It also has a humanize section as well as a few other various controls, so as you can see there is a lot of different controls to insure that you will have total control over your sound. I don't have the manual for the Antares Harmony Engine, but its probably a good idea to have it around as this is a complex plug-in.


I am currently running the Antares Harmony Engine on a Mac Book Pro that has a 2.2 Ghz Intel Core 2 Duo processor and 4 GB of RAM. I run Pro Tools LE 7.4 off of a Digi 002R audio interface and I've never had a problem using this plug-in with this configuration. While I never use more than one at a time really, it has never overloaded or acted up while using it, and while I can't say how well it would run if you want to run a bunch of them at once, I imagine that most people aren't doing that anyway.


I've been using the Antares Harmony Engine plug-in for around two or three years and while I don't always like to use synthetic harmonies, this can come in handy and does have a pretty cool sound to it. The price is somewhat reasonable, as this is one of the better harmony engine plug-ins I've used. While it isn't a plug-in I use on a daily basis, it comes in handy when I do need it and I'm glad to have it available to me. If you are looking for a good harmonizer plug-in, the Antares Harmony Engine is worthy of a look.