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< Tous les avis Apple Logic Pro 9
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Apple Logic Pro 9
Apple Logic Pro 9

Séquenceur généraliste de la marque Apple appartenant à la série Logic

loudfunk loudfunk

« New owner, same sequencer... »

Publié le 31/01/12 à 21:54
contenu en anglais (contenu en anglais)
Seeing that Logic is MAC only it's pretty much a no brainer on OSX. The manual is ok at best, however there are numerous on-line resources to help with those short comings.
Install from the DVDs will take a while for all the extra loop and instrument content.


Again since it is now an Apple program I expect it to run stable on a Mac, and it does.


I used to use Logic at Version 4 to 5.5 on PC back in the day. When Apple bought it and made it Mac only I went to use Samplitude/Sequoia who used to have the same distributor and wrote the Logic audio engine. Years later at version 9 I actually decided to give Logic another shot since by then I had switched to Mac (thanks to being able to run it as Windows or OSX).
And I really didn't like to have to deal with dongles. So...back to Logic. It now seems much more user friendly. Has some new features the might be great for some like audio quantize.
I love using it to write and when I have any midi programming to do. For audio I'm not so fond of it. It still is limited to 24 bit files. Heck even Pro Tools now lets you use 32 bit float files, just like Nundo, Cubase, Repaer, Samplitude, Sequoia, etc...have done for years. So if you're shuttling projects back and forth between DAWs the audio files need to be converted before.
What I find a bit disheartening is that the soft synths have not gotten a face lift since I used to use it 5 major revisions ago. Those were state of the art for 10 years ago. Now...not so much.

Apple recently went from boxed DVD to download through the app store and lowered the price. Which on one hand is awesome, on the other now the extras like Main Stage etc are separate purchases.