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Nomad Factory Essential Graphic EQ

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  • moosersmoosers

    Nomad Factory Essential Graphic EQPublié le 20/10/10 à 04:41
    contenu en anglais (contenu en anglais)
    The Nomad Factory Essential Graphic EQ is an equalizer plug-in that comes as a part of the Nomad Factory Essential Bundle, which consists of nine 'Essential' plug-ins in total, all at a very low price. The bundle is basically a sort of all in one suite for all purposes for the home studio owner. Installing the plug-in takes place during the installation of the entire bundle, which is an easy enough process that should be uneventful. Using the plug-in is just as easy - it's made up of 15 bands with the frequencies ranging from 40 Hz to 16 kHz. It also has a parameter for setting the band width, as well as input and output leveling sliders. In addition, it has a built in limiter which just touches it a little bit. It's easy enough to use, so I don't believe the assistance of a manual to be necessary.


    I've got the Nomad Factory Essential bundle and the Essential Graphic EQ on my home system, with is Pro Tools LE based. I'm running it on a Mac Book Pro that has a 2.2 Ghz Intel Core 2 Duo processor and 4 GB of RAM and I'm running version 8 of Pro Tools LE with a Digi 002R audio interface. This plug-in really doesn't seem to take up too much processing power, so I wouldn't be too concerned with performance with the plug-in or the bundle.


    There's nothing really that stands out to me about the Nomad Factory Essential Graphic EQ, but at the same time it's a nice graphic EQ that can get the job done for sure. In other words, there's no special features here, but it's solid at what it does. Being that it's a part of the Essential bundle which is extremely cheap, especially when you break it down to price per plug-in. It's not the warmest sounding EQ, but it can do simple jobs for sure. Mostly I'll use my parametric EQ plug-ins, but this is sometimes nice and easy to just boost or cut a bit at the given frequencies. If you're a home studio owner on a budget looking for a cheap way to get a bunch of professional plug-ins, definitely consider the Nomad Factory Essential Graphic EQ as part of the Essential bundle.