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Sujet Commentaires sur la news : Un synthé ARP Odyssey chez Behringer ?

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Sujet de la discussion Commentaires sur la news : Un synthé ARP Odyssey chez Behringer ?
C’est l’annonce que vient de faire la marque sur sa page Facebook, avec un tarif qui avoisinerait les $500…

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Ah ouais, exact pour la MPC60. Désolé pour la plantade.icon_facepalm.gif
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Désolé pour la plantade.

C'est parce que ces deux là sont intimement associés cette confusion...

Le plus majestueux des chênes n'était autrefois rien d'autre qu'un pauvre gland...




Citation :
Dear all,

Thank you for the great comments and questions.

Allow me to give you some background about us entering the synthesizer market.

Over the past few years I have seen that a strong demand for analog synthesizers has resurfaced. This is wonderful, not only because of my personal passion for those instruments, but I always believed that digital synthesizers simply do not match the sound of the legacy analog synthesizers (and there are physical reasons for this).

I grew up with these analog jewels and vividly remember when products such as Juno and Prophet 5 were released. In those days, most of these synthesizers were simply unaffordable not only for me, but most other musicians.
In fact this was a major reason why I built my own synthesizer almost 40 years ago.

Over the years, we have repeatedly been asked by our customers to build synthesizers and in 2010 we decided to move forward with his project. We started a research project and also conducted surveys with a German magazine called We even did a quick rendering to gather feedback about interest in a Juno redesign.

Frankly, the response was overwhelming and we subsequently came up with a detailed plan and roadmap. That included a whole series of classic analog synthesizers, including many popular legacy synthesizers including the Arp Odyssey, Mini Moog, Juno, Prophet 5, etc., but also completely new designs.

In order to pursue our plans, we realized that we needed specific engineering horse power in both the analog and digital domains. On the analog side, because most classic designs are based on Curtis/SSM chips which are no longer available, we looked into replacing these legacy components with equivalent parts with exactly the same functionality. We partnered up with a semiconductor foundry Coolaudio and developed analog and mixed architecture semiconductors such as VCA’s and the highly desirable BBD’s (Bucket Brigade Delay lines) used in analog chorus and delay effects such as the original Juno’s etc.
At the same time we studied the legacy Curtis and SSM chips and we’re in the process of designing our own versions of these highly regarded IC's in collaboration with Coolaudio.

However analog synthesizers only make sense now if you combine them with the control and functionality of today’s synthesizers, so we researched the requirements of a digital control system that would combine the sophistication expected of modern digital synthesizers with the immediacy of classic analog VCO and VCF circuits.
It is my strong belief that the real power of synthesizers only comes to life when you combine the amazing sound of analog with the modern functionality of digital technology - very much a case of combining the best of both worlds.

In recent years we acquired Midas and Klark Teknik, one of most prestigious and powerful mixing console and signal processing companies. 40 years ago it was Midas who built sound systems for Pink Floyd, Supertramp, Frank Zappa and many other world-famous bands.
If you look them up, you will see that these amazing engineers design not only today’s most respected analog products, but also the industry’s most complex and sophisticated DSP and FPGA based digital mixing consoles and other audio products.

But what does that have to do with Synthesizers?

If you look at modern synthesizers, you will understand that while analog technology has its own challenges, such as component tolerances and parameter drift, thermionic noise etc., the biggest complexity lies on the digital side with storage, sequencer, FX etc.
Luckily, we have not only some of the world’s best digital engineers, but also an analog designer and industry icon called John Price who has over 40 years of analog experience. John is considered a legend in the audio industry and it is no surprise that he loves synthesizers, too.

Leveraging our team of legendary talent, we have now assembled a team of the finest engineers to form our new Synthesizer Division.
However we are also looking to recruit more talent and we invite everyone here to watch out for job openings. It’s a very exciting time as the first prototypes are already playing music and the team is working around the clock to incorporate their new ideas.

You are our biggest collaborator and we will continue to engage you on forums and bounce off ideas to see how you feel about our progress. While we cannot promise to incorporate every idea, we will promise to carefully listen. So feel free and share your ideas.

Our plan is to build several classics and also some completely new concepts - monophonic as well as polyphonic synthesizers and classic analog as well as digital synthesizers.
Will we be making an Odyssey? Frankly, we always had the Odyssey on our roadmap and among the several legacy synthesizers we intend to build, our version of the Odyssey will be different, with full-size keys, multi-mode filters and full digital control, potentially a sequencer and arpeggiator, as well as high-end effects from our award-winning X32 digital mixing console.
At the end more models mean more choices for customers, and that is a good thing.

However we like to manage expectations; since building synthesizers is a long-term project, it will take some time for us to release actual products. But we intend to keep you informed, and hopefully soon we can release the first video of our prototypes.

Finally I would like to thank you for your support and encourage you to communicate with us on the usual forums and our social media sites as we will continue to ask for your opinions.

Happy New Year!

Uli Behringer

intervention de Uli Berhinger sur le forum Gearslutz
Il vend bien le truc ! :bravo:
Clair. C'est le monde des bisounours chez Behringer ! icon_facepalm.gif
Hors sujet :
Citation de g.dps :
Clair. C'est le monde des bisounours chez Behringer ! icon_facepalm.gif

non c'est de l'enthousiasme, les bisounours c'est ceux qui vont écouter fifi 1er le dernier ce soir en y croyant encore :oops2:
Autant la politique générale de behringer est de façon justifiée sujet à controverse( rachat de boîtes et utilisation des produits déjà existants ,fabriquer dans des usines a bas coût ),autant le concept de sortir une version de l odyssey me fait imaginer un marché du synthé ou chacun sortirai sa version de l odyssey ,moog ou autre juno comme les les paul ,telecaster et les stratos pour les guitares..:bave:
ben si il y arrive ce sera une bonne chose ...ou sinon au moins ça motivera les autres boites a nous ressortir enfin les synthés mythique inabordable aujourd'hui....:|

rien que le prophet 5 serai cool....

enfin ça à l'air d’être leur objectif ...puisqu'il parle de plusieurs synthétiseur classic sur leur roadmap.
On verra si c'est de la com...

après son idée de mélanger le numérique ...franchement à part le midi qui est pratique ..le reste on peut faire avec...selon moi..

Salu :)


[ Dernière édition du message le 31/12/2014 à 16:38:59 ]

Citation :
rien que le prophet 5 serai cool....
Je ne discuterai pas ce choix, chacun ses gouts et priorité, et ce choix n'est pas moin légitime que ne le serait le mien. Pour autant, il me semble que des alternatives crédibles existent plus pour le prophet 5 ( en partie grace au travail de dave smith lui même avec les /"dco"isés/ prophet 8, mopho X4, tetra, ) Nord lead s'est clairement inspiré du prophet 5, et les pro12 et Pro 2 semblent être dans la filiation ( bien qu'évidement ils ne remplacent pas l'ancêtre) Il me semble que c'est du coté d'oberheim et des yamaha CS polyphoniques que se situe aujourdhui le plus gros manque. En effet, le son Moog est de nouveau accessible, le son korg ms également, on s'approche du prophet... mais tout ceci est une question de gout et de priorité !
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après son idée de mélanger le numérique ...franchement à part le midi qui est pratique ..le reste on peut faire avec...selon mo
Un lfo en numerique est loin d'être absurde, la gestion des mémoires aussi peut trouver sa place, du moment que le "signal path" reste vivant et analogique, instable et surprenant... le multi effet numerique est peut être un peu dommageable pour la chaine audio, en revanche, faut voir...

Je quitte audiofanzine tant qu'ils pratiqueront l'écriture inclusive.



euuu le prophet 12 n'a rien à voir avec le prophet 5....le prophet 8 c'est pareil....on est loin d'un 5.....c'est comme le jupiter 80 et le jupiter 8...à mon avis...:|

après je suis pour un yamaha cs80...oberheim avai le projet d'en ressortir un polyphonique 4 voie sais pas ce que cela à donner....

sinon je parlais du prophet parcque dans le texte cité plus haut en anglais on parle du prophet....

après sinon si je spé veux un arp 2600, un obx, un jupiter 8, un prophet 5, un cs 80,un memorymoog.
mais bon la je rêve... :|

Hors sujet :
ps:update... justement un morceau fait avec mon prophet trouve pas ça super prophet 5

c'est fait sans prétention

Salu :)


[ Dernière édition du message le 02/01/2015 à 20:29:41 ]