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Roland MC-909 Sampling Groovebox
Roland MC-909 Sampling Groovebox

Séquenceur Sampleur de la marque Roland appartenant à la série MC


Créer des Percussions analogiques

  • 12 réponses
  • 6 participants
  • 1 149 vues
Sujet de la discussion Créer des Percussions analogiques
Quelqu'un connait il la marche a suivre pour créer des precussions a partir de formes d'ondes classiques ??? sin, saw, tri, pink noise etc...
DJ-Mac' , On attache pas un musicos avec des cables !
SYNTH SECRETS Technique : Synthesis May 2002
Synth Secrets: Analysing Metallic Percussion
The task of synthesizing convincing metallic percussion defeated many synth giants - you only need to listen to Kraftwerk's weedy cymbals on 'The Model' to be persuaded of that. So why is it so difficult? We find out...

SYNTH SECRETS Technique : Synthesis April 2002
Practical Snare Drum Synthesis
Last month, we revealed just how hideously complex the sound-producing mechanism of the snare drum can be. Nevertheless, synthesizing the sound is not as hard as it seems, as we find out with the aid of a Roland SH101...

SYNTH SECRETS Technique : Synthesis March 2002
Synthesizing Drums: The Snare Drum
If you thought synthesizing realistic bass drums was complex, that's nothing compared to snares. So how is it that the analogue snare sound is so well known? And how do you go about creating it? We find out...

SYNTH SECRETS Technique : Synthesis February 2002
Practical Bass Drum Synthesis
Moving from last month's theoretical bass drum synth patch to its practical application on affordable analogue synths, we also take a look at how the world's most famous drum machines produce this fundamental rhythm sound...

SYNTH SECRETS Technique : Synthesis January 2002
Synthesizing Drums: The Bass Drum
Ever wanted to synthesize unpitched membranophones? No? Well, you might if you knew that bass and snare drums are of this percussion type. We show you how...

SYNTH SECRETS Technique : Synthesis December 2001
Practical Percussion Synthesis
Building on the theory of what makes up the sound of timpani, as explained last month, this month's Synth Secrets reveals how to synthesize realistic kettle drums using a Korg MS20 and a Yamaha DX7.

SYNTH SECRETS Technique : Synthesis November 2001
Synthesizing Percussion
Synth Secrets turns its attention to the synthesis of percussion instruments, beginning with pitched drums

et plein d'autres
Yes ! it's very good ! but it's in english !
It is possible in french ?

merci ;-)
DJ-Mac' , On attache pas un musicos avec des cables !
:mdr: Haaa!! The impossible english... it's horrible!!! :langue: :clin:
Fallait mieux travailler à l'école :langue:
Where is Brian ?

Brian is in the kitchen...

Citation : Fallait mieux travailler a l'école

:pleure: Afflicted, I was a dunce has the school, a true disaster... ;)

Danke für das Rohr didier chat do
Me huelo solamente un soplo mejor...
Sono il la cosa migliore...

Amuse well... ;)
Ok j'ai réussi a créer un kick ! lol, mais j'ai un PB : il n'a pas la meme dynamique tous le temps, je n'arrive pas a comprendre pk.

image :

DJ-Mac' , On attache pas un musicos avec des cables !

Y a p't'être un LFO qui le travaille....Part peut être en initialisant ton PATCH :bravo2:
