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Sujet Commentaires sur la news : Le Moog One arrive… selon les revendeurs

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1 Commentaires sur la news : Le Moog One arrive… selon les revendeurs
Moog Music Moog One 16
C’est en tout cas ce qu’annonce un revendeur américain qui a listé les deux versions de 8 et 16 voix sur son site internet…

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C va être chargé ces prochains mois... Des poly analos à venir... Il y en aurait plusieurs dans les cartons de DSI er de Roland...

+ le Batch de baloran... On va se poser des questions existentielles...
Citation de ipm :
Bon y a pas grand chose à se mettre sous la dent... Je viens de relire le test du memory moog Lamm de synthwalker... J'ai l'impression que ce one va être un synthe de legende si il sonne dans l'esprit de son aîné.

Certains ont pu l'écouter en avant première:

"As far as I could hear it in the demos in June, the One does sound really good but it does not sound as raw and untamed as a Memorymoog can sound. Of course I could not play it so my impression is based on the demo I heard and on the sound through the headphones we were provided, but I know that I will keep my MM for now. I also have a 16 voice on preorder so I am not saying the One is worse than the MM. Just different."

"The One definitely does not sound like a Memorymoog and there will still be a market for these as well as for the other high end polys. I was really hoping the One would sound like my MM before the demo and I was quite disappointed after the demo to be honest with you. It was the wrong perspective because I only thought of it as a reliable alternative to my MM, which it is not. The One stands on its own and the feature set more than offset the difference in sound in my view. But if you want that MM sound you will probably have to pay the asking price for one and when people realize you can only get it with the MM, prices will probably not go down by much.."

Citation de : barbenzinc

Daniel Fisher le beta testeur (entre autre...) ? ;)
Le manuel vient aussi de lui, gage de qualité...

Exac' Barb' :)

Citation :

"As far as I could hear it in the demos in June, the One does sound really good but it does not sound as raw and untamed as a Memorymoog can sound. Of course I could not play it so my impression is based on the demo I heard and on the sound through the headphones we were provided, but I know that I will keep my MM for now. I also have a 16 voice on preorder so I am not saying the One is worse than the MM. Just different."

"The One definitely does not sound like a Memorymoog and there will still be a market for these as well as for the other high end polys. I was really hoping the One would sound like my MM before the demo and I was quite disappointed after the demo to be honest with you. It was the wrong perspective because I only thought of it as a reliable alternative to my MM, which it is not. The One stands on its own and the feature set more than offset the difference in sound in my view. But if you want that MM sound you will probably have to pay the asking price for one and when people realize you can only get it with the MM, prices will probably not go down by much.."

Intéressant ! (Bon, ça calme un peu quand même...)


Hors sujet :
Je ne sais pas ce qui pourrait remplacer un Memorymoog, surtout quand il marche bien. Les personnes qui sont venues chez moi avaient chacune leurs poly analo préférés, mais toutes mettaient le Memorymoog en haut de la liste. C'est une machine intrigante, avec un grain particulier, des VCO qui saturent naturellement le VCF, un clavier qui vibre à cause du gros ventilo, un look bois / alu / lexan ;) incroyable...
Citation :
it does not sound as raw and untamed as a Memorymoog can sound

On n'arrive plus à fabriquer des polys "buts et sauvages" de nos jours ?

Ma chaîne electro YouTube

<<<<<<<< Hú Li >>>>>>>>

Citation :
toutes mettaient le Memorymoog en haut de la liste

Moi, c'est le Polykobol que je mets en haut de la liste.. quand il marche ;):-D

Ma chaîne electro YouTube

<<<<<<<< Hú Li >>>>>>>>

Je confirme les propos de Synthwalker car j'ai pu essayer tous les vieux polyphoniques de référence dont le Polykobol mais c'est le MemoryMoog (Lamm) qui m'a le plus marqué.:bave:

[ Dernière édition du message le 04/10/2018 à 08:12:05 ]

ça aurait été même étonnant qu'il sonne comme un Memory vu que ça n'est pas un clone, hors on a maintenant l'expérience de quelques clones qui sonnent comme leurs ainés à savoir Model-D reissue, Moog Source avec The les Behringer....
Déjà les oscillos du One sont complètement différents...

On commence à voir filtrer quelques avis de ceux qui ont écouter la démo cet été :

Citation :
What I heard was very warm, but didn't strike me as particularly vintage or "a poly Model D". Not at all the fizzy sound I associate with Sequential filters, more stirring than my Sub 37. Rich, not at all muddled. I remember that the first full-blown sweeping chord made my spine tingle and gave me goosebumps. We all went, "Woooowwwwwwww." Another patch was long with evolving modulations, and it was hard to believe it was coming from a single synthesizer and a few keys. It sounded like a finished track from a finished ambient-style recording. I can't say that I once thought anything like, "Wow, this sounds like a CS-80 or a J8". It sounded like its own thing. It immediately struck me as "Soundtrack composers are going to love this." If anything, in hindsight, the Moog One impressed me the same way a Schmidt does (but I've never seen that live).

I'm sure he played, but I don't recall details, other standards like bass, sync, ringmod. I think I recall thinking or saying, "This is one giant sweet spot." Nothing he played sounded unpleasant, everything sounded rich, deep, sometimes vast. I'm not kidding when I say it got under my skin.

[ Dernière édition du message le 04/10/2018 à 08:41:36 ]

Un autre avis :

Citation :
The demos were in less than ideal conditions. My headphones were not very loud and I had trouble hearing it fully. I also tried to pay attention to the description of the features, and there were so many that it was mind bending.. But my general feeling during the demo was that it was closer to a P5 rev 2 or an Obie Four Voice than it was to a Memorymoog. I am only comparing to synths I have owned for years or still own. I want to be careful here and point out again that I may be totally wrong about this first impression, so please take this with a grain of salt and please do not quote me out context