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Sujet Commentaires sur la news : Je m'appelle DeepMind12

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Sujet de la discussion Commentaires sur la news : Je m'appelle DeepMind12
Après une bonne dose de waouh, quelques aperçu des fonctions disponibles, Behringer dévoile aujourd’hui le nom de son synthétiseur analogique.

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Citation de LN77 :
:-DEvolution du system 1 croise avec un jupiter le system 8?

Evolution oui, après ne me demandez pas si un système 1 et un Jupiter 8 ont copulé ensemble, cela ne nous regarde pas Thierry icon_facepalm.gificon_facepalm.gif:-D
Tant que ça donne pas une MC Wolf monotron boutique...

"pour votre synthé, pratiquez une activité musicale régulière »

Qui serait en plus Polyphonique 1 voie :-D
Avec une voie il y a peut de chance qu'il nous mette sur la bonne, par contre avec une voix il aurait déjà plus de chose à nous dire...

Le plus majestueux des chênes n'était autrefois rien d'autre qu'un pauvre gland...




Je vois.

Citation de Julie :
Thank you for your comment Synth Guru. Please allow me to jump in here, as this very much resonates with me and is exactly the reason why I have chosen the name "DeepMind".

While my personal background is more related to the traditional classical and jazz piano, the emotional experience that this synthesizer has evoked in me is best described as "mind-blowing" and I am not stating this, because my name is on the instrument. I am sure many of you have the same wonderful and highly emotive experience when playing your own musical instrument. And isn't this exactly what music is about?

Over the several years that we developed and fine-tuned the DeepMind12, I have spent endless amount of hours in front of this instrument and every time, its unlimited sounds and possibilities carried me into a different state of mind - very much in line with Synth Guru.
The fascinating part is that your mental experience dramatically increases as you add polyphony, effects and in particular analog sound generation and processing. It is exactly the inaccuracy, vividness and richness of analog that our mind relates to, very similar to a real orchestra where all instruments are slightly out of tune or beat. After all it is the imperfection of sound that appeals to us human beings.

I have also encountered the very same phenomenon when the artists seen in the videos played the synthesizer for the first time. We recorded and captured their true emotions playing the DeepMind12; just to dispel rumors, none of them were paid for these videos or presented with scripts.

I truly believe the DeepMind12 is a very different instrument and hence we felt it deserves a very different name. Of course I understand that names are highly subjective and I respect that not all of you like my choice. So simply blame me for it:-)

Perhaps I can invite you to share with us your proposals for products and names? We are currently hiring 30 synthesizer product specialists and engineers for our new Synthesizer Division. Our ambitious vision is to embark on a comprehensive synthesizer journey. Like you, we are incredibly passionate about synthesizers.

Thank you.

Uli Behringer
Chief Disruptor

Citation de Julie :
Thank you for your kind words Ariel and also for the question.

How many of you would be interested in a desktop/rack version of the DeepMind12?

When we designed the DeepMind we tried to make is as compact as possible because people in forums consistently raised the issue of limited space in relation to their studio or living room.
Frankly, it was a huge challenge to pack approximately 4,000 components into such a compact design, both from a space but also thermal management point of view. But after a few engineering rounds, we finally succeeded and we will soon be posting the high-density board assembly images.

Yes, please share with us your views about a desktop/rack version. We would very much appreciate everyone's feedback.

Many thanks

Uli Behringer
Chief Disruptor

On dirait que Behringer à bien envie de tâter de l'analog revival façon web 3.0. :8O:

« What is full of redundancy or formula is predictably boring. What is free of all structure or discipline is randomly boring. In between lies art. » (Wendy Carlos)

Une marque en plus ne peut qu'être bénéfique pour le marcher, de plus qui c'est pas un petit "nouveau" et que il a des fond pour le partie RD, moi je salue des deux mains :bravo:

[ Dernière édition du message le 31/07/2016 à 16:01:18 ]

Citation :
moi je salue des deux mains

Heureusement que tu n'en a pas plus...;):-D

Bon me faut n'attendre le module multitimbré pour la semaine des 4 jeudis qui tombe comme d'hab. un 31 février...

Le plus majestueux des chênes n'était autrefois rien d'autre qu'un pauvre gland...




[ Dernière édition du message le 31/07/2016 à 16:23:43 ]


Oui module multitimbré sinon rien icon_bravo.gif et pour la polyphonie de 12 voies si leur machine est monotimbral ils peuvent se torcher avec icon_bravo.gif mais pour le marché et la concurence effectivement c'est une bonne chose.