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Fender AG-6
Fender AG-6
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Publié le 09/05/10 à 20:52
contenu en anglais (contenu en anglais)
The Fender AG-6 is a simple guitar tuner that is great for beginning guitar players. It doesn't offer up too many features, but gets the job done for simple tuning of your guitar. It comes a variety of sparkle colors, and has a simple analog meter to show you where you are at in terms of your pitch. It's got a built in microphone as well as 1/4" connections, and also has a 9 volt AC jack, but can be battery powered as well. It has a battery life indicator to show you how much battery you have left, which can definitely be handy if you are using this for a live show, which I really wouldn't recommend anyway though. There isn't too much more to the AG-6 as it really that simple. It isn't a chromatic tuner, but if you're just using it for simply tuning your electric or acoustic guitar, you should be all set. I would really only recommend the Fender AG-6 tuner to a beginner though, as I don't thin it is suitable for more experienced players. I know at least that I like to tune my guitar in different ways, which is possible here, but isn't tailored for it at all. The best news about the Fender AG-6 is the price, as it doesn't cost very much at all. For this reason I'd recommend it for anyone looking for a very simple tuner for their guitar who doesn't want to spend much money. However, if you're going to be using the tuner for shows or need some more flexibility, I'd recommend spending some more money on a better tuner like the Boss TU-2 or TU-3, or the TU-12 if you don't want a pedal. Having said this, the Fender AG-6 will definitley get the job done in simple situations and will certainly tune your guitar without too much hassle at all...