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BBE Supa-Charger
BBE Supa-Charger

Alimentation pour pédale de la marque BBE appartenant à la série Stomp Boxes

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« Isolated power at a fair price »

Publié le 01/08/11 à 04:13
contenu en anglais (contenu en anglais)
- 8 outputs total
- Switchable 9, 12v
- Outputs 5 and 6 switchable 9, 16v
- Adjustable input voltage
- 2.1 mm cables. Also comes with 2 2.5mm cables.
- 100 mA per output, outputs 5, 6 pushing 200mA
- Filtered and isolated
- Bright LED

This is one of the only power supplies on the market that can be switched between 120-240 volts, making it perfect for anyone that does international travelling. The option to switch between 9, 12, and 16 v is another major plus. I just wish it could also go up to 18v. 100mA is USUALLY enough. On dirt, wah, compressor pedals it is more than adequate. But for high current pedals like delay, you are limited to outputs 5 and 6, which can be a pain. It doesn’t have the sag pots that the supplies like the PP2+ feature.
The LED is a very bright blue and can light up most of your board depending on where the power supply is placed. I’ve had no reliability issues with it, just be sure to remember what voltage region you’re in, I’ve already blown a few fuses.

A good power supply contributes a pretty huge amount to the silent/quiet operation of your rig. Before investing in the Supa Charger I used standard, non isolated, supplies, and ended up with quite a bit of noise at higher playing volumes. Picking up the isolated power supply made all the difference, ensuring that my board was once again usable. Even with multiple noisy gain pedals stacked, this unit keeps things pretty quiet. No complaints.

Probably the most affordable reliable power supply on the market. Don’t be fooled by power bricks and the like, they are overpriced daisy chains disguised in fancy boxes. A proper isolated, regulated supply will deliver safe and noise free power to your pedals. When these originally came out they were an incredible deal, I think I picked mine up for $80 new. They’ve raised in price as they have in popularity, I believe they are now $150 on musicians friend, but still pretty affordable new. Highly recommended.