120 vidéos
3 Modules #42: Dual Looping Delay, Pamela's New W…
Modular Percussion Jam Pamela's New Workout
Pamela's New Workout And Two Quadrax Voices - Eur…
3 Modules #55: Tides, Pamela's New Workout, Peaks
Modular Étude Xiv | Moog Subharmonicon + Instruo …
Current State | Eurorack Modular Archives (Pamela…
Weekly Review Using Pamela New Workout With Plaits
Cadence | Eurorack Modular Archives (Pamela's New…
Generative Music With Pamela's New Workout
Pamela´s New Workout does all the work!
Eurorack Jam 27 - Pamela's New Workout
Pamela’s New Workout Driving Lifeforms Sv-1B
alm pamela's new workout qu-bit surface mutable b…
tiny eurorack adventures: plaits, pamela's new wo…
Can You Upgrade Pamela's New Workout Firmware Wit…
Study #1 - Er-301 - Pamela's New Workout - Intell…
Syncing The Op-1 Field With Pamela's New Workout
3 Modules #49: Pamela's New Workout, Maths, Braids
Modular Jam #19 - Pamela's Euclidean Workout
A Generative Modular Synth Thing Using Pamela's N…
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