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Audio Fanzine Sales Executive Wanted

Audiofanzine is currently seeking an experienced Web Advertising Sales Executive for the US market.

Our company:

Audio­fan­zine is an online maga­zine for musi­cians, crea­ted in 2000 with offices based in Paris. Currently the number one refe­rence maga­zine for French spea­king musi­cians and sound engi­neers, the website went inter­na­tio­nal with an English version in January 2008. The team is dedi­ca­ted and growing, looking to expand over the next few months as busi­ness grows and reaches into new geogra­phic areas­fan­ and­fan­

Job descrip­tion:

Inter­na­tio­nal Sales Execu­tive to sell web adver­ti­sing (banners, spon­so­red links, e-mailings, news­let­ters…) to manu­fac­tu­rers and distri­bu­tors of the audio pro and instru­ment markets.

Will work closely with:
  • CEO (directly mana­ged by)

  • Graphic desi­gner

  • Traf­fic mana­ger

  • Europe sales execu­tive
Compen­sa­tion will be based on a fixed base salary plus bonuses for meeting perfor­mance objec­tives

Candi­date requi­re­ments:

Candi­date should be:
  • Based in Paris, or willing to re-locate

  • Native English spea­ker

  • Fami­liar with audio & musi­cal instru­ments (DJ and Live Sound expe­rience or affi­nity is a plus)

  • An expe­rien­ced sales execu­tive with a proven track record (within the web adver­ti­sing domain is appre­cia­ted, but not requi­red)

  • A good know­ledge of the US market is neces­sary

  • Comfor­table with some travel to client sites and inter­na­tio­nal trade shows

  • Excellent email and tele­phone skills, as well as client rela­tion­ship mana­ge­ment and follow up

  • Some unders­tan­ding of French is appre­cia­ted, but not requi­red

  • Some marke­ting and mana­ge­ment back­grounds are appre­cia­ted

Send CV and rele­vant infor­ma­tion to mail *at* audio­fan­
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