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< Tous les avis Nomad Factory Free Bundle [Freeware]
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Nomad Factory Free Bundle [Freeware]
Nomad Factory Free Bundle [Freeware]
mooseherman mooseherman

« Free plugins! Woo hoo! »

Publié le 01/02/11 à 22:44
contenu en anglais (contenu en anglais)
This is a free plug-in bundle made by Nomad Factory. They are a high-quality developer of plug-ins and they tend to be uniformly awesome. These are some of the first that I used, as they were free and too easy to pass up. You simply download them from the Nomad Factory website. There weren't any compatibility issues, these are basically going to work well with any version of Pro Tools that you download. I have no experience using them in other DAWs so I can't speak for how well they work in that respect. I haven't really had much need for a manual as these are basic plugin effects.


I've never had an issue with these plugins. They don't demand a whole lot of processing power, and therefore they aren't exactly difficult to manage from the computer's standpoint. I am running it on my Macbook pro with 4 GB of RAM so I haven't had many problems at all, really. It's been a fast, active response.


These have some pretty cool plug-ins. There are three total, a phase shifter, a tremolo, and a sweeper. Basically all similar effects, and they also have similar interfaces. They are pretty easy to use. While they are cool, I don't always have much practical application for them, and I really just tend to mess around with them as experiments. This is probably because I don't do a lot of music that would require such effects, or if I did, I'd probably use a pedal or something (hey, I'm a guitar player and I love my pedals). However, they are free, so I can't exactly be too harsh on them with the grade. I'd definitely recommend that just about anybody get them, as there isn't really any way you can go wrong.