Acheter neuf Noise Engineering Clep Diaz
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Annonces Clep Diaz
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Fiche technique
- Fabricant : Noise Engineering
- Modèle : Clep Diaz
- Catégorie : Autres modules pour synthés modulaires
- Fiche créée le : 03/09/2018
Clep Diaz is a handy and small step CV and LFO generator. In step and random modes, use the encoder to control the number of steps in the sequence; in LFO mode, the encoder controls the amplitude of the wave. Toggle the directionality of the sequence: up, down, or up/down to customize the CVs further. CD also gives CV control over the number of steps in the sequence and an end-of-cycle trigger output. Unipolar and bipolar outputs allow maximal control.
Size: 4HP Eurorack
Autres catégories dans Synthétiseurs modulaires
Autres dénominations : clepdiaz