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Tre Modular Switch Divider

Tre Modular Switch Divider

Autre module pour synthé modulaire de la marque Tre Modular

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Fiche technique

  • Fabricant : Tre Modular
  • Modèle : Switch Divider
  • Catégorie : Autres modules pour synthés modulaires
  • Fiche créée le : 10/10/2024

re Modular – Switch Divider is a versatile quad clock divider. It accepts one clock input and has four outputs. Each of the four channel divisions can be set by sliding switch. This makes it ideal for live performances and dynamic patches that require change of the rhythm on the go. 

Switch divider outputs 0 to +5v signal which is commonly accepted as clock input for a wide range of music gear. 

Another feature of this module is its glide functionality. Each channel has its own dedicated glide knob that controls the rise and fall of the generated square wave. This makes it more useful as a modulation source than traditional clock dividers.

As any clock divider Switch Divider can also be used as a crude sub oscillator. 

Switch divider accepts wide range of clock inputs from +2v to +10v

Switch divider accepts any kind of signal that goes above +2v as clock inputs. It internally converts that signal to square wave that drives the clock divider circuit.

1/ division is a sort of passthrough output that converts incoming signal to 0 to +5v square wave and will maintain any pulse width modulation if such is present at the clock input.


Autres catégories dans Synthétiseurs modulaires

Autres dénominations : switchdivider