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< Tous les avis Peavey 210 TXF
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Peavey 210 TXF
Peavey 210 TXF
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aidan.04 aidan.04
Publié le 22/04/08 à 16:30
contenu en anglais (contenu en anglais)
This amp from Peavey has an incredibly versatile 7-band grapgic EQ with hi/lo shelving to tailor the sound, along with countour and brightness switches. Its loaded with 2 10 inchers and a tweeter horn with its own built in attenuator, very cool. Its even got compression built in, even cooler.

The only flaw I see is that something this heavy should have casters. Peavey has long been used as roadworthy gear, I would think they would equip their gear accordingly.


I was impressed with the very clean (I couldnt get it to distort at any reasonable volume, I dared not try and push it further and damage my hearing or alienate the neighborhood) and responsive sound from the amp. The 10 inchers are very punchy. With all the controls available to you, a huge variety of sounds can be attained to fit almost any style. Dialing in a fat bottomed sound clean tone with sparkling highs (possible due to the tweeter) was easy as pie. Its a very smooth tone as well, refined rather than being gritty.

Noise was low, it was fairly quiet. My only complaint is that the compressor seemed to add some noise. If anything, you just can't use aggressive compression on this, and you should have to anyway. This amp is tight, but its nice to have it there for certain occasions you need it.


Reliability-wise, this thing is a beast. Its certainly not flimsy or substandard, Peavey always been known for making very roadworthy gear though so its no suprise to me. I would like to put this head to head against G&K's 210 tiltback amp, as the peavey is cheaper and probably delivers the good as well or better. I think its a good value, and with Peavey reputation I would think I'm gonna get a lot of use out of this.