Vends WEDGE FORCE Keemun de la marque Brainworx (Plugin Alliance)
Je vends WEDGE FORCE Keemun de la marque Brainworx (Plugin Alliance)Il faut prevoir 20$ (env. 17€ ) de frais de transfert de licence en plus, c'est l'acheteur qui doit couvrir les frais de transfert de license.
(vendu 199$ chez Plugin Alliance).
Plus d'information vous pouvez trouver ici :
Like having a professional bass player inside your keyboard
WEDGE FORCE Keemun is an innovative musical instrument that recreates the sound of a professionally-recorded bass DI, allowing keyboard players to craft realistic and expressive bass lines all on their own.
Clean, high quality Bass DI tones ready for your favorite effects
Because so many of the most legendary bass lines in history have been recorded with nothing but a good DI input, Keemun gives impressively massive results right out of the box, with just a touch of EQ and other processing. But Keemun is at its best when it is REAMPED with your own favorite bass rigs and effects—whether physical or virtual—for even more unique and inspiring tones.
Better than sampled bass
Ordinary sampled basses have never quite sounded realistic because the harmonic resonances of a real bass are different for each quick combination of notes. This is why WEDGE FORCE built their proprietary “Synthetic Force Engine II”. It combines studio sampled waveforms of the world’s most iconic custom-made basses and recording chains with real-time synthesized sounds.
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