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Publié le 02/02/11 à 06:01(contenu en anglais)
The Canare Ultra Microphone Cables are high quality XLR cables for use in the studio or otherwise. Canare has a great reputation for making high quality cables, and although the Ultra series cables aren’t the best that they have to offer, they’re still quite good. Until recently, I didn’t realize how much of a difference having a good cable makes. There are certainly better mic cables than these, but when compared to most of what’s out there, these are going to trump them. They also have a ‘Premiere’ line of mic cables which are supposed to be better than this. The Ultra mic cables aren’t too cheap to begin with as they’re still Canare cables. I really don’t know much about the inner workings of a mic cable, but in the last few weeks I did a cable shootout with a $500 hand made mic cable and it really changed my perspective of what a great cable can bring to the table. While these Canare Ultra Microphone Cables aren’t going to be the best you can get, it’s still worth having some cables that don’t completely suck. Most people spend the least on cables, but having great gear might not make a huge difference if the cables you’re using are poor. At least with the Ultra line of mic cables from Canare you’re getting very solid mic cables, perfect for everyday use in the studio. If you’re looking for cables to hook up your monitors or something a bit more important in the studio, it’s definitely a good idea to go the next level up. Having said this, the Canare Ultra Microphone Cables are going to give you a secure connection between your microphones and your mic panel. Check out the Canare Premiere cables as well, but these should do just fine for more mundane usage.10