Publié le 25/10/11 à 23:05
(contenu en anglais)

Before there was Apple's iPad, Horizon released a much lesser known device called the Horizon IPad-10. The comparisons will stop there, as of course this serves a completely different function, as it's a -10 db pad for use in the studio. In theory you could also use it for live shows, but I've only used it for recording studio applications. On one end its got a female XLR jack and the other its got a male XLR connection. Simply put it in line between your microphone and console/interface and you'll have yourself -10 db's of attenuation. Of course this is going to be mostly useful in situations where you're using a microphone that doesn't have a built in pad. It would be nice to have a -20 db option too, but this is fine in most situations. I don't own one of these since I've only got a home studio where it's not really necessary, but I've used it at one of the recording studios in town that I work out of. It's not always needed, but it's nice to have around just in case. There are plenty of pads like this out there, but I don't think there are many that are better than this one unless of course it has more options. The price of the Horizon IPad-10 isn't too expensive and should be right in line with other in line XLR pads out there. I can't say that I'd prefer this one over another if price isn't going to be an issue, as it does what it is supposed to do and nothing more. It should last a long time if you treat it right, so check out the IPad-10 if you're looking for a -10 db pad. Then you can tell everyone you have an IPad and only for a fraction of the cost Apple's version : P.