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< Tous les avis Asus A7N8X-E Deluxe
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Asus A7N8X-E Deluxe
Asus A7N8X-E Deluxe
RickD RickD
Publié le 03/08/08 à 07:25
contenu en anglais (contenu en anglais)
- For how long have you been using it?
Ooh, i got this not long after it came i must have had it a good 4 years or so, maybe more!

- What thing do you like most/least about it?
It's reliable & stable, and full of features.
USB 2 galore...firewire...wifi (slow but still, it works) audio...LAN & Ethernet...Dual Channel ram ports...Serial ATA...AGP 8x...

- Did you try many other models before getting this one?
I got this cos i bought a new graphics card and my Abit motherboard couldn't take it. So i got rid of it & upgraded everything.

- What is your opinion about the value for the price?
This was about 100 € when i got it. Was the best motherboard around. If you want a good used board then i highly recommend it.

- Knowing what you know now, would you make the same choice?...
Totally, yes. I'm still using it, 4 or 5 years down the line, and have no desire or need to change.
My processor is an Athlon XP2600+ and i have 2 GB or 400 Mhz dual channel RAM. Works fine for audio & photoshop...what more do you need? Unless you're into video editing, then really this is just perfect.