Annonces M44-7H
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4.5/5(3 avis)
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67 %
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Publié le 06/10/13 à 22:28
Je les utilise depuis 6 mois.
Pendant des années j'ai utilisé des Ortofon Concorde Pro.
Le plus, je dirai le son, la solidité.
Le moins, son temps de rodage et trouver le bon réglage.
Le rapport qualité prix est bon, et oui avec l'expérience je referai ce choix.
Pendant des années j'ai utilisé des Ortofon Concorde Pro.
Le plus, je dirai le son, la solidité.
Le moins, son temps de rodage et trouver le bon réglage.
Le rapport qualité prix est bon, et oui avec l'expérience je referai ce choix.

Publié le 12/11/12 à 21:26
Cellule ultra connus, ultra solide, idéale pour le scratch, gros niveau de sortie. Son défaut qui peut être aussi une qualité c'est qu'elle n'est pas transparente. Elle a une grosse bosse dans le bas du spectre. Les graves sont même trop présent, l'EQ est très souvent indispensable.

Obtenez un meilleur son avec le M44-7-H
Publié le 25/10/12 à 20:55
The Shure M44-7-H is a phono cartridge that has a Technics Head shell on it. This cartridge is very well built and also very affordable costing only 85 USD. The Shure M44-7-H won’t wear out your vinyl and it will not give you a bunch of skipping. If you are using this cartridge now, and you are coming from a different cartridge then you will be able to tell how great it really is. The sound that this cartridge will give you is second to none. The M44-7-H is made to last a long time, I have only been using this cartridge since March of this year. But I can tell that it is going to last me a long time because of how rugged it is made.
Installing this cartridge is simple, even if you have never changed your cartridge before you will still be able to do it in a few minutes. It does come with instructions on how to install in case you are not sure how to do it.
The best part about this cartridge is that it will give you a sound that you are not use to hearing from your vinyl. I have used this cartridge a lot over the last few months and it is giving me a way better sound then some of my older cartridges where giving me. The average person will not be able to tell that the sound is better because they will be too busy listening to the music. But if you have a ear for it or you are a DJ you will be able to tell the sound of the M44-7-H over which ever previous cartridge you are using. Buying this cartridge has given me a better sound instantly and not to mention it kept some extra money in my pocket because it is priced so low. It is easy to change out, and I highly recommend getting this cartridge.
Installing this cartridge is simple, even if you have never changed your cartridge before you will still be able to do it in a few minutes. It does come with instructions on how to install in case you are not sure how to do it.
The best part about this cartridge is that it will give you a sound that you are not use to hearing from your vinyl. I have used this cartridge a lot over the last few months and it is giving me a way better sound then some of my older cartridges where giving me. The average person will not be able to tell that the sound is better because they will be too busy listening to the music. But if you have a ear for it or you are a DJ you will be able to tell the sound of the M44-7-H over which ever previous cartridge you are using. Buying this cartridge has given me a better sound instantly and not to mention it kept some extra money in my pocket because it is priced so low. It is easy to change out, and I highly recommend getting this cartridge.
Fiche technique
- Fabricant : Shure
- Modèle : M44-7H
- Catégorie : Cellules
- Fiche créée le : 10/02/2004
Nous n'avons pas de fiche technique sur ce produit
mais votre aide est la bienvenue
Distribué par audia
Autres catégories dans Accessoires DJ
Autres dénominations : m44 7h, m447h, m 44 7h, m44 7 h, m447 h