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Fender Himass 5-String Bass Narrow Bridge Assembly with Brass Saddles

Fender Himass 5-String Bass Narrow Bridge Assembly with Brass Saddles

Chevalet basse de la marque Fender

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  • Thomann En stock / Livré en 48h 36,00 €
  • Music Store En stock / Livré en 48h 36,00 €
  • En stock / Livré en 24h 39,60 €

Annonces Himass 5-String Bass Narrow Bridge Assembly with Brass Saddles

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Fiche technique

  • Fabricant : Fender
  • Modèle : Himass 5-String Bass Narrow Bridge Assembly with Brass Saddles
  • Catégorie : Chevalets basse
  • Poids du colis : 305 g
  • Fiche créée le : 07/08/2023

Wide: 0.75" d'espace entre les cordes.

Distribué par fenderfrance


Autres catégories dans Accessoires, pièces & consommables basse

Autres dénominations : himass 5 stringbassnarrowbridgeassembly withbrasssaddles, himass5stringbassnarrowbridgeassemblywithbrasssaddles, himass5 stringbassnarrowbridgeassemblywithbrasssaddles, himass5 string bass narrow bridge assembly with brass saddles, himass 5string bass narrow bridge assembly with brass saddles, 0994410000, himass 5 stringbassnarrowbridge, himass5stringbassnarrowbridge, himass5 stringbassnarrowbridge, himass5 string bass narrow bridge, himass 5string bass narrow bridge