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< Tous les avis Evolution Mk-249c
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Evolution Mk-249c
Evolution Mk-249c
FP User FP User
Publié le 01/11/08 à 00:00
contenu en anglais (contenu en anglais)
Only complaint was maybe coulda used a few more knobs, pardon me I'm a tweaker freak...hehe. Also would have liked velocity sensitivity... but you know the saying, don't look a gift horse in the mouth....yada yada... hehe =) Be careful what driver updates you install!


I guess it might be hard to use if you had no experience with a piano or other keyboard/synthesizer...etc.

Definetly giggable, in my opinion. Although I haven't used it out of my studio yet... Maybe a TAD bit plasticy... but what isn't these days?


It's great, does exactly what I need it too, and it doesn't complain...

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Posted by: Unknown ( 6-, 2003)