Focusrite Red4 audiophile preamp :7 in 1 out
-totalement symétrique, in/out en xlr
-switch +4Dbu / -10Dbv pour chaque entrée
-Commutation par relay, display programmable
-Potentiometres Penny and Giles très très haut de gamme … et de précision !
-Filtre coupe bas 50hz et coupe haut de 8,2 kHz à 22 kHz
-Dim (-12 dbs) / mute, vu meter en facade
- 4 transfos de preamp/ line out Carnhill / St yves sur mesure , transfo d’alimentation blindé et alimentation sur-dimensionnée
Focusrite grew out of a 1985 request from Beatles producer Sir George Martin to well-known pro-audio designer Rupert Neve. He was asked to design a series of no-compromise modules, beginning with a microphone preamplifier and equaliser, for Air Studios in Montserrat and then in London. In the 1990s for just a couple years they produced an expensive audiophile Red 4 stereo preamp and Red 5 power amp. The story goes that Focusrite was commissioned to make a full blown audiophile preamp for home use. They were produced for a very short time in limited numbers. Some features are a full aluminum body with polished stainless steel top and bottom.
Excellent detail retrieval without and hint of harshness. Smooth yet open enough to be engaging and musical. Bass is deep and taut, midrange dead on without shouting or added presence.
Test sur Valenciennes
pour 40,23 € de plus
4 x 535,15 €