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< Tous les avis Build Your Own Clone Digital Delay
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Build Your Own Clone Digital Delay
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badgerific badgerific

« Analogue sound digital control. »

Publié le 29/03/11 à 18:45
Rapport qualité/prix : Excellent
contenu en anglais (contenu en anglais)
DIY pedal kit based using the PT2399 digital delay chip. The pedal I'm reviewing is the current (March 2011) model with ping pong.


-True bypass, so no tone coloration when the effect is not engaged

-800ms delay time when in echo mode

-400ms delay time when in ping/pong mode

-Five controls: Time 1, Time 2, Repeats, Level and the Echo/Ping pong mode toggle switch

-When in echo mode Time 1 and 2 work together and combine to set the delay time, in ping pong mode they work separately so you can adjust the time difference between the ping repeat and the pong repeat


This pedal is a DIY kit so I'll split this section into two, Building and Using.

Building: I have built this pedal for myself and it was the first pedal kit that I had built, before beginning I did a fair amount of research to make sure I was ready to build it. After building it didn't work but after checking the troubleshooting section of BYOC's excellent instructions I find that I'd made a simple mistake of crossing two wires over and after I put them right the pedal has been working great ever since.

The pre-drilled enclosure and board mounted pots and switches make this build very easy to do neatly because the only thing that needs to be wired are the jacks and footswitch.

Using: I find this pedal pretty simple to use, I just fiddle with the knobs until I get the sound I want out if it. I tend to only use the echo mode as I haven't really found a use for the ping pong mode that I really like.


I really like the sound of this delay unit. This is not the kind of digital delay with crystal clear repeats which I really like. The PT2399 chip is designed so the repeats degrade and become darker and more distorted as they go on. When the repeats are pushed to maximum the delay begins to self oscillate and makes a wonderful noise maker.


Overall I think it's a great delay for the price, nice analogue sound with 800ms of delay and true bypass. The only thing that I would like on this pedal which isn't there is a modulation feature, if you like the sound of this pedal but want modulated delay then an Echobase delay would be a better option.

The main downside of this pedal is that I can imagine some people are not interested in building pedals but there are lots of people (myself included) will build them for you for a small price.