A vendre en très bon état , récemment révisé .. Delay , plusieurs styles de delay possible , reverb a 4 decay different et un petit Chorus .. le tout en excellent état pour son age .. plug en facade donc assez pratique .. le tout en mono bien sur .. cest le premier et dernier delay numérique de chez Dynacordle voici en action ici :-) cest le meme acheté a Ohm Studio justement :-)
The EC280 was allegedly the very first bucket brigade device delay around. I don't know about that but it was the first Dynacord released and it paved the way for their futur classic units like VRS 23, SRS 56 or TAM 19 / 21. What makes this unit special is the use of BBD chipsets to create reverb spaces. The result are totally unatural reverbs but that are extremely deep and beautiful. The sound is dark and dense, and a bit gritty, you wont't get very define repetition out of this echo unit but it really glues the instrument you run into it.
It further has a 'chorus" level that acts peculiarly too since you can't set the time of the chorus, it is tied to the delay 'speed'. With this chorus knob, fast speed setting and high feedback level ('regeneration') you almost go to flanger territories. A very unique device it is.
pour 11,95 € de plus
4 x 156,94 €