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Yamaha E 1005
Yamaha E 1005
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Publié le 29/07/10 à 03:33
contenu en anglais (contenu en anglais)
The Yamaha E 1005 is an analog delay unit that is designed for use inside the recording studio. I wouldn't think that you could use this anywhere other than a studio, as that's really what it's made for. An outside engineer brought one of these into the studio, and we made all of the connections in the front and hooked it up to a Little Labs box. The 1/4" connections that it has in the front are for two inputs, an output, a foot switch, and a delay only jack. It is rack mountable and will take up a few spaces in a traditional rack casing.


The configuration of the Yamaha E 1005 isn't anything hard to understand, as to me everything is pretty self explanatory. The parameters that it has for the delay are for input A level, input B level, delay, feedback and mixing. It also has modulation effect parameters for speed and depth and switches for choosing between either mic or line input and for choosing either a short or long delay. It also has an LED meter to show you your input level. I haven't seen a manual for the E 1005, so I can't speak about it, although I don't believe that most users will have a need for one.


The sound of the Yamaha E 1005 is pretty awesome overall, as you get a really warm and echoey delay with this unit. You might not know it from looking at it, but it definitely has a vintage kind of sound to it. I've used the E 1005 on vocals and electric guitar for only a single session that lasted a few days. An outside engineer brought one of them in to use for auxiliary reverb, and in my short time using it I really found it to have a full sound with a versatile palette of sounds available.


Overall, the Yamaha E 1005 is a great analog delay to have around in any studio. I don't know how hard it would be to get your hands on a Yamaha E 1005, but I would imagine that they aren't very common since I've only seen one of them ever. I love the straight forward make up of this unit, as almost anyone can use it easily. I don't know that I'd encourage you to go out and seek one out, but if you're in a studio that has one and are need a bit of analog delay, don't hesitate to give the E 1005 a whirl.