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< Tous les avis Electrix EQ Killer
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Electrix EQ Killer
Electrix EQ Killer

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Publié le 01/11/08 à 00:00
contenu en anglais (contenu en anglais)
Features is the strong side of this unit! fantastic design, i really like the idea of running two sources through the unit (it got 2 sets of inputs and outputs so u can run two TTs/CDJs/whatever through it, and effect 1 at a time). another great thing about this unit is the &quot;Momentary&quot; buttons, each band got a momentary button (spring-loaded) which cause a momentary kill when pressed, but when a band has already been killed, the function of the momentary button is reversed, and it causes a momentary insert of the killed band! low and high crossovers - need i say more? u can define the low-mid freq. and the mid-high freq., a must for DJs who like to make smooth mixes! send/return - here is a nice twist, the unit also got send/return, while using it, the killed signal is being sent (to an EFX unit for example) and the returned processed signal is being feed back to output. this can give u an extreme control on EFX processing!

Price paid

100$ each (got 2)


Very simple to use, u get the hang of it after 3 mins, very effective unit! manual was very handy, with lots of connecting suggestions the unit is light and portable, and can be grouped together with another unit (or with a filter queen) to create a 19&quot; rack

unit is nicely built, rather solid... seems like it can take some abuse... the spring-loaded buttons seems very nice, haven't had any problem with those yet... the freq. band knobs feels nice too, but as i mentioned b4, they make a slight static sound (need to listen very carefuly with the headphones crancked up to max) the overall build is very good, yet there are two annoying things, 1) the yellow faceplate is actually a sticker :/ and 2) there is no on/off switch and more important, it uses an extrenal PSU (" />


I'd give it 6.8 sound is pretty nice.... more than decent i'd say S/N-R is good, overall sound is OK (nothing amazing)... there is a slight flanging sound when the crossovers overlap (when they are on the same freq. and the MID ch. effect is canceled) and if you very listen carefuly u'll hear the freq. band knobs (hi, mid, low) make a &quot;static&quot; sound when they're used


I'm truely in-love with this unit!!! tho the sound isn't amazing, it's usabilty and features makes it an amazing unit!! and for the price, u sure get a lot!!!!

Originally posted on
Posted by: Unknown ( 5-, 2002)