14 vidéos
Invention for polivoks
Lyra-8 By Soma Synths - First Impressions
Superbooth 2017: Polivoks Reissue - Sounding Agg…
Polivoks at the Superbooth 2017
Polivoks - Demo by its inventor Vladimir Kuzmin.
Polivoks. one of the first serial units
Polivoks. one of the first units from the run
Polivoks Presented By Thomas P. Heckmann
Moog Minimoog vs. ПОЛИВОКС Polivoks Synthesizer -…
Поливокс - Polivoks Analog Synthesizer (1982)
Polivoks Synthesizer "Radio Moskva 1982"
Polivoks - Another raw demo
Polivoks - Raw and shitty demo
Polivoks | demo by syntezatory.prv.pl
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