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Radikal Technologies Spectralis
Radikal Technologies Spectralis


  • 20 réponses
  • 8 participants
  • 5 500 vues
Sujet de la discussion TRUC ET ASTUCE
Here's how to create a 909 style kick with a lot of tweak-ability. 
For this we will be using just one oscillator 
Start by pushing encoder OSC WAVE > 1/26 VCO Shape set it to 0 (the higher you set it the rougher it gets ) > set everything else but 7/26 on that oscillator to 0 > to start, we will route this right to the bus so set 7/26 Bus volume to 255 
Now make sure that no other oscillators are active by making sure OSC Wave pages 3/26 - 6/26 on the other oscillators are set to zero too. 
From here, check the envelope in the VCA > EG Balance > set 1/8 > Att: 2 dcy 94 Stn 165 rls 36 - this can be adjusted later, but the important part is to set the release to above 10 (or 20) to avoid clicks. 
Now push the OSC Detune encoder in the VCO section > 1/ 4 VCO fine and 4/4 VCO0 Pitch should be set to zero > set 3/4 key scale to 12 > set 2/4 course to -24 > while on this page press the encoder below OSC 1 > Pitch envelope preset should be set to zero > press the encoder below OSC 1 > VCO1 Pitch set: stpt : 33, time: 25, time: 0, endp: 0 
Try hitting some notes, somewhere on your keyboard you should have a nice and phat classic 909 style kick. Give it a save. 

Now for some tweaking..... 
VCO 1/4 stpt parameters 25 - 60 = adds more chirp, like a trance or hard techno kick. 
VCO 1/4 Time parameters 25 - 50 = makes the tone more apparent 
VCO Course parameter -24 = +/- climbing tone vs flat 
VCA EG balance attack parameter 0-30 = higher number means less click on the front (smoother) 
VCA EG balance Release parameter 20-80 = higher number is more like an 808 
VCO WAVE shape 0-? = the higher the number, the more industrial sounding

ca deja ca tue !!!!

pour comprendre l architecture du hybrid synth c est la :

je mets ca mais je trouve que c est un peu a chier, on a tendance a perdre le debut de la sekence donc quand ca repart c est plus, comment dire, comme on l avait ecri a l origine

*to mute seq lines quickly .. 

Set >last step< to 1 
And >mute step< 1


Fun hints 

*use multiple seq lines on the same Dsynth part and use different resolution per line 
, mix your standard 16th grid and with another line in 24th note resolutions..

*Live tips.. 

program the last 4 num buttons as drum fills .. pressing them while in drum groove will instantly recall fills ala 808 ... so now when your in a live set you can always recall a drum fills by pressing one of the last 4 num buttons... handy 

Program your live set via song mode can work out really well as it will allow you to jump into pattern mode on the fly without ever stooping the song mode chain, and then after jamming around, switching patterns, twisting knobs and soloing/muting (even save on the fly) you can jump back into song mode and it will still be located in that step of the song chain where you exited!,.. pressing next step(page up) will advance you to the next step in song mode and continue playing the song/set.. and then later in the set you can jump back into pattern mode and jam ect etc again.. just make sure the pattern mute/solo setting have been set up to sound good when entering pattern mode as when you enter pattern mode the mute/solo setting of the pattern will overwrite the ones in song mode.. 

*More expressive drum sound 
Slightly (just slightly unless you want an audible effect) modulate the pitch & volume (filter&pan whatever suits your sound) to get a more dynamic/live feel to your drums .. 

*Layer recordings of seq modes ... 
record a step sequence on the same part as you recorded your real time playing/seq to get advanced melodies that you might never have been able to play live with your hands .. 

its very cool on monophonic sound using irregular timing lines as it will cut the sound dependent on where the notes hit and give you a evolving line 

*Generate ghost notes 
via step lines via low velocity and probability to other that 100%... this will generate random triggers of these ghost notes under your seq and give a more live feel.. 

*Beat repeater 
set the sound to mono and program an irregular seq line with different probability settings per steps to get a live/random feel into your track that plays under of your sequenced track... use two lines to get more even more repeater'erd .. 

*Melodic filter rhythms 
use different filter band envelopes to generate an almost melodic feel to your rhythm ...try passing your hi hats though the HP filter band and use 1st and 2nd trigger with a soft envelope and 3rd with hard enevolpe and 4th with attack envelope or whatever sounds good) the different envelopes will open up a melodic way for the HP bands to play on top of you hihats 

*Getting a low end thump on your kick 
step seq LP filter band and pass your kick though it, set step length to 1-2 or 3 (or whatever your groove needs) set the trigger to ether hit on each kick drum or the step after and set the envelope to use attack setting (or whatever works) and this huge bass will follow each time your kick punches.. like I said if you use a 4/4 kick, you might want to step trigger the LP on the step right after your kick (gating effect) .. experiment with envelopes and trigger timing.. this will make you want to sell your 909

ctually to simplfy things alot 

to get massif sounding drums 
just pass them though the filterbank!! 

try putting down a 4/4 kick 
set Ansend level> up (page2/4 
set Fb level> up (p3/4 
Press>level (under filterbank 
turn up> LP (encoder1 

FB volume has to be up 
Press >level (under Filterbank 
trun up > Encoder 11 

For FB to be heard you need to ether triggered it via seq line or TG or simply bypassed the FB 
Press >level under filtebank 
Press > encoder 12 
turn up> FBBP 


Use max 7 positions (or else it will be truncated, e.g. "elektronmachine..." becomes "elktrnm", so vowels except for the first position will be cut first) 

pour les noms de fichier waves importés


un truc pour changer le pitch de vos motif rytmik sur chaque step

-ecrire un motif pour commencer par example un snare sur 1-3-5-7-9-11-13-15
- aller ds le menu OSC DETUNE, push the bouton
-virer les modulations, c est preferable (p1/2src :none)
-aller sur la page 2/2 et mettre la Vel a 127 ou -127 (c est juste un exemple pour bien voir le fonctionement)
-apres, aller sur VCA level, PUSH, page 2/2 (on vire aussi les modulation..) et la on met la vel a "0"

en gros la velocite va donc controller le pitch, donc essayez avec des velocite a 127 sur les step 1-5-9-13 et des velocite a 0 sur 3-7-11-15

comme on dit : ENJOY (on peu assu esayer avec le filtre, la resonance etc

2eme astuce interessante : pour couper un son , donner un effet de gate compression, couper une open hit hat quand la closed hh suit, (style les TR de roland......

alors c est vraiment tout con, exactement la meme technique que precedement, alors que la, c est bien la ds VCA LEVEL page 2/2 qu on va mettre la Vel a 127 et virer les autre modulation assigner a la velocite (en occurence la modulation du filtre et du pitch vont etre elles sur 0)

essayer par example avec le son 606#014,  c est un open hat de 606, veiller bien a avoir l enveloppe avec l attack rapide (de 0 a 8) et pas mal de decay, sustain release pour justement faire travailler le sequenceur et la velocite assigner.

voila j en remetrai d autres plus tard... si vous avez aussi des astuce a partager, faite vous plaisir 

klk video d un live avec mon frero a barcelona : 

je vais aussi poster klk song prochainement, sur youtube avec peu etre un tuto en francas (kan j aurais un peu plus de tps, ca va etre tres orienter comme style music, jeff mills, james ruskin style pour les connaisseurs... 

sinon check mon myspace, tout est fait avec une speckie (plus de 90 % sur chaque morceau au minimum on va dire) et j ai ma machine pleine de patterns a enregistrer donc bientot de nouveau tracks

Afficher le sujet de la discussion

J'ai longtemps cherché: je trouvais pas formidable le réglage de la vélocité avec [step/accent] dans groove edit. Cà fonctionnait mais pas top, pas moyen de mettre à zero par exemple. Et bien en fait la sensibilité de cette velocité se règle et ce pour chaque instrument. Il faut aller dans 'vca level' dans la section VCA à la page 2 et régler la velocité entre -127 et + 127. A zero la velocité ne fonctionne plus et à 127 elle fonctionne à fond. Elle est de base réglée sur 50.