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Radikal Technologies Spectralis
Radikal Technologies Spectralis

C'est quoi les 2 sorties SUM OUT ?

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Sujet de la discussion C'est quoi les 2 sorties SUM OUT ?

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La réponse de Joerg Shaaff,rapide le gars :bravo:

The SUM Outs are necessary when you don't have a mixer and just want to
feed all signals (hybrid synth and sample-engine) to a stereo output.

Could i sequence the inboard sampler with an external sequencer and
use at the same time the dsp and analog synth controlled with the step
sequencer ?

Sure! That works. The MIDI messages will always be received - independently
from the internal sequencer. You also can play some notes on the Hybrid
Synth via MIDI while the step sequencer is rhythmically modulating some
synthesis parameters.

Does the step sequencer send midi ?

You can select the target for each sequencer line separatly. If you want to hear one line on external MIDI gear, just select a MIDI target for this line.

Could i use the sampler to load drumloops (for example) and synthesize
it like if it was a waveform ?

Yes! The DSP Sampling engine comes with digital filters, envelopes, LFO's
etc. However - you also can feed the drumloop into the analog filter section.

Il ne s'étend pas sur les fonctionnalités midi sur le site mais il devrait ,c'est vraiment très bon sur papier :oo: