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< Tous les avis Fender American Stratocaster HH Hardtail [2003-2005]
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Fender American Stratocaster HH Hardtail [2003-2005]
Fender American Stratocaster HH Hardtail [2003-2005]

Guitare de forme SC de la marque Fender appartenant à la série Stratocaster

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iamqman iamqman

« One elegant instrument »

Publié le 29/09/11 à 07:45
contenu en anglais (contenu en anglais)
Fender Stratocaster is probably my favorite guitar in existence. Of course I'm talking more about the super strat of the Fender Stratocaster series with the humbucker installed but nonetheless the whole body shape and feel and the tonal balance is just perfect for me. I am just absolutely in love with the shape and overall voice of this guitar. It's one remarkable guitar that has been influential to guitar builders for decades now. It's a simple design yet produces such great results.


This guitar features three single coil pickups. This allows the guitar to gleam with precision and clarity. You get to get a little less distortion and a little bit more hum with these pickups than you wood a humbucker install guitar pick up. You have one volume control knob and two tone control knobs to allow you should dial in and out the overall tone of the pick ups. It also has a five way selector switch that allows you to dial in each pick up individually and also the two spaces in between the outside pick ups. Overall it's pretty simple guitar with no extra switches or boosts or anything like that. It's a simple design a basic set up and just a great rock 'n roll tone.


This guitar works with any amplifier setting you have. Whether you're a clean amplifier player with pedals and controlling a plethora of different devices on your pedal board than this is guitar for you. If your guitar player with just a simple set up with the guitar cable tuner and amplifier then this is a great set up for you as well. This instrument is a very versatile and highly reputable guitar. It has a great balance a great tone and just gleems with such great sustain. My personal preference for this guitar is to put the pickup selector in the neck pick up. This is a great bluesy warm tone. It gives the guitar sound exactly what I want to hear in my head. It has a fantastic tone and is just absolutely iconic tone that no guitar other than a Fender Stratocaster can achieve.


These guitars are pretty easy to find but in the used market can be a little bit difficult. If you're looking for the specific color than you might have to look a little bit longer. But if you're just looking for an overall great Fender Stratocaster guitar you can find those very easily and the use your classified sections of different forms or on eBay. These are very easy guitars to locate and are just an absolute fantastic and versatile guitar for any owner and any use.