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Peavey Predator USA

Tous les avis sur Peavey Predator USA

Guitare de forme SC de la marque Peavey appartenant à la série Predator

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  • phraselandphraseland

    Peavey Predator USAPublié le 04/12/08 à 13:20
    contenu en anglais (contenu en anglais)
    Aaah - my first guitar! I bought this instrument way back in 1991 when I was an exchange student in the US. I really didn't know much about guitars back then and chose it for its classic look and solid feel. They are built very well and the neck feels nice and smooth. My model was black and had a white pickguard - but besides that it is what you see in the picture. I think I paid around $500 at the time...maybe less.
    It did not come with a gig bag or any other accessories - so I was carrying it around just like this for a while...hey - I didn't know!


    As I said the neck was probably the best part of this guitar. It is a maple neck without additional fretboard and gave the guitar a nice twang. Getting a good sound was at times a little more difficult as the electronics really weren't very good. The volume knob cut off the high frequencies very quickly and the tone knobs really didn't do a whole lot.
    On the other hand it nicely stayed in tune and the intonation was always quite good.


    At the time I didn't really have a 'stlye of music'. Looking back I probably would have been more happy with a Gibson Style guitar (these days I would go with a Godin entry level) but that is what I bought next anyway. I used it mainly with an old beat up Peavey amp - the name eludes me right now. It was solidstate though and you had to get the distortion by actually overloading the preamp - no switch or anything like that.
    I liked the neck pickup the most. The other two were often very bright and had no punch in the mids - this happens a lot with similar guitars in this price range.
    I think this guitar is great for getting started but once you want to play with a drummer and need to cut through without blowing out your ears this becomes obsolete.


    As I said - this guitar was great to get started. After I bought my Gibson Nighthawk (s. my other User Reviews) this guitar was barely used anymore - even though the sound is of rather different character. It is built very well and these days you get equivalent models from China, Taiwan, Korea or Mexico for a lot less (even Raptor exists as such a model). If your budget to get started is below $500 (with amp) then this is one of the better choices. Make sure your guitar store does a setup on the guitar though (ask for it before you buy it)! Often they get sold out of the box and quite often they play like dirt...this is not a Peavey problem but more an issue of such mass production.
  • killerkgprimekillerkgprime

    Grande qualité pour le prix!

    Peavey Predator USAPublié le 07/08/11 à 01:52
    contenu en anglais (contenu en anglais)
    The Peavey Predator is a USA made strat-styled guitar with all the traditional strat hardware, like two tone knobs, one volume, a 5 way switch, 22 frets, a vintage style trem, and three single coils. The body is alder , and the neck was maple.


    The neck was a big draw of this guitar, it's a very comfortable, C shaped neck. Meaty, but not fat. Pickups sounded surprisingly good. On par with a USA Fender strats pickups. Very clear and singing, and with a little of that hollow chunk you expect from a strat. I never had any trouble with the pots or pickup selector switch.


    I go for a very big, round strat tone ala Gary Moore, John Norum, Doug Aldrich, and this guitar delivered! I felt that the tone, playability, and overall construction was on par or better than Fender's MIM guitars, and at half (or less) of the price, it's a great deal for budding rockstars, or those who want a nice strat on a shoestring budget.


    The Peavey Predator is incredible value for money, and I'd make the same choice again in buying it. I'm really amazed that the quality and craftsmanship of this guitar can be had at such a low price. It's the first guitar I recommend to other guitarist on a budget for a guitar, or that are looking for a modding platform for pickups and the like. The one thing I didn't like about the Predator was the finish on the neck, because I like a raw wood feel. that's just a personal preference, but I sanded my neck down anyways.

    I actually stripped the finish on my Predator, and found that it sounded even better than before. The wood underneath has a surprisingly nice grain, and it's real wood under there! Mine had a 3 piece body.
  • Anonyme

    Peavey Predator USAPublié le 06/09/07 à 17:11
    Fabriquée aux USA, c'est un instrument de bonne facture.
    Imitation intégrale d'une Strato, elle est équipée de 3 simple bobinage.
    Le vibrato est traditionnel, le sillet également.
    Le corps est en aulne, sur la mienne le manche est en palissandre.
    3 potars, sélecteur 5 positions, ultra-classique.


    Le manche de 21 frettes est un vrai régal, confortable et solide (aucun réglage en 10 ans)
    L'accès aux aigus est stratoïde, l'ergonomie générale est excellente : y a t-il mieux qu'une strat ?

    Les sons sont tout aussi stratoïdes. Des gratteux plus avertis que moi l'ont essayé et ont été bluffés.

    Point noir pour les guitar-heroes : le vibrato ne tient pas l'accord s'il est malme…
    Lire la suite
    Fabriquée aux USA, c'est un instrument de bonne facture.
    Imitation intégrale d'une Strato, elle est équipée de 3 simple bobinage.
    Le vibrato est traditionnel, le sillet également.
    Le corps est en aulne, sur la mienne le manche est en palissandre.
    3 potars, sélecteur 5 positions, ultra-classique.


    Le manche de 21 frettes est un vrai régal, confortable et solide (aucun réglage en 10 ans)
    L'accès aux aigus est stratoïde, l'ergonomie générale est excellente : y a t-il mieux qu'une strat ?

    Les sons sont tout aussi stratoïdes. Des gratteux plus avertis que moi l'ont essayé et ont été bluffés.

    Point noir pour les guitar-heroes : le vibrato ne tient pas l'accord s'il est malmené.


    Le son étant un peu trop faiblard à mon goût, j'ai remplacé le micro chevalet par un humbucker prélévé sur un défunte fling V. Il m'a fallu retailler la plaque et le corps, mais j'ai fait ça bien !

    Dorénavant, j'obtiens un son bien plus incisif et lourd, bien secondé par une Guv'nor Marshall. Le sélecteur permet toujours de retrouver avec les simples un bon son clair.

    C'est pour moi une guitare parfaite, très versatile. Je ne lui octroie que 8 car sans le humbucker, peu de chance de retrouver le gros son.

    NB : c'est la configuration de Janick GERS ou Dave MURRAY (up the irons !)


    Je l'utilise depuis plus de 10 ans mais je suis bassiste donc elle me sert peu, uniquement pour faire le boeuf ou le guitar-hero (ce que je ne suis absolument pas !).

    J'adore sa prise en main, très aisée, sa lutherie irréprochable. Je déplore l'absence d'un vrai vibrato qui puisse garder l'accord correctement. (pas pour moi, je ne m'en sers pas et j'ai même égaré la tige)

    Comme toutes les Peavey, cette guitare joue la carte de la solidité en reprenant des recettes qui ont fait leurs preuves.

    Les bluesmen se tourneront vers une "télé", les métalleux vers une BC Rich mais celle là vous permettra d'accéder pour un prix modique à une gratte américaine très polyvalente.
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