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Metric Halo Mobile I/O 2882 2D Expanded
Metric Halo Mobile I/O 2882 2D Expanded

Interface audio FireWire de la marque Metric Halo

Prix public : 1 469 € TTC

cable firewire 400/800

  • 24 réponses
  • 7 participants
  • 2 512 vues
Sujet de la discussion cable firewire 400/800
salut ,
quelqu'un à un plan shop pour acheter un bon cable firewire 400 / firewire 800 ?
Afficher le sujet de la discussion
Tel sera mon adage pour clore mon intervention sur ce sujet : "A system is only as good as it's weakest link"
Bonne continuation à tous ;)

Ingénieur du son depuis 1996 // QFG Studios //

SoundGrid Expert Certified (Waves Audio)

a+ !
désolé si j'ai été un peu insistant ...

[ Dernière édition du message le 19/12/2015 à 17:35:01 ]

les cables firewire vont bientot etre desuet parait il , est ce qu'un cable thunderbolt/firewire peut marcher aussi bien avec les memes performances sur une uln2 ou une 2882 ? merci
Quelques explications sur le site de Metric Halo:

"We have these configurations in-house and have qualified them for compatibility. The performance is the same as a native FireWire port:
Three boxes at 44.1 - 48kHz
Two boxes at 88.2 - 96 kHz
Two boxes at 176.4 - 192 kHz

The Thunderbolt Display and either the Thunderbolt to Firewire adapter or Sonnet Echo/FW800 card can be used simultaneously to create two separate FireWire busses. This configuration will support up to six interfaces, or provide one bus for interfaces and another for hard drives. While it is assumed that using multiple Thunderbolt adapters on the Retina MacBook Pro is possible, we have not tested this configuration and can not certify its performance at this time.

The introduction of Thunderbolt opens up some interesting possibilities. That being said, we do not presently have a publicly available development timeline for the next generation of Metric Halo products. We are currently talking with Intel about integrating Thunderbolt technology into our hardware and once it is available, Thunderbolt will be included in all new products as well as an upgrade for all existing interfaces."

Ingénieur du son depuis 1996 // QFG Studios //

SoundGrid Expert Certified (Waves Audio)

[ Dernière édition du message le 13/04/2016 à 08:45:35 ]

ok merci, j'ai pas tout compris mais ca peut marcher pareil