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E-MU 0404 USB
E-MU 0404 USB
stompboxjon stompboxjon

« Used with Windows XP »

Publié le 30/08/12 à 08:44
contenu en anglais (contenu en anglais)
The E-MU 0404 USB interface gives you a pretty good audio recording quality to your PC ( don’t think you can use with a MAC). It has a ultra low noise, and is a very well built unit. The latency is very low with Windows XP and you can overdub and record without that delay that a lot of cheaper interface has. They have built the E-MU 0404 around the whole “Plug and Play” theme because they wanted to give the customer to ability to use this device very easily without a bunch of driver problems and hardware/software configuration problems. For the short time which I had a chance to work with it , I encountered very few problems. The really only issue I encountered was when I couldn’t get Acid Pro to recognize the interface, but once I restarted the system it recognized it and the problem was solved.


Your system will need at least 256MB and 900MB of free disk space in order to be able to install the E-MU 0404 USB interface. This is a must, so double check your system before purchasing the 0404 to make sure its compatible and everything is in order. If you are using Windows XP you will have to be using Service Pack 2 if you have SP 1 you wont be able to use the interface.


No manual was needed to install or se the E-MU 0404 interface. The setup was easy and quick, and all of the functions of the interface are easy to use and access.


The precision and quality of sound is average, nothing that really stands out. But what can you expect for an interface this price. I have tried several other E-MU interfaces before this one and they all provide good quality. Outside of the issue with Acid Pro recognizing it, I had not a single other issue with this on XP systems. Great buy.