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Tama Rockstar Standard
Tama Rockstar Standard

Batterie complète/Kit de la marque Tama appartenant à la série Rockstar

sanjuro sanjuro
Publié le 08/10/09 à 16:33
contenu en anglais (contenu en anglais)
The Tama Rockstar is one of the best beginner level drumsets.  Tama kits aren't usually my specialty, but I have played many rockstars and know that they are a great deal.  The hardware is sturdy, the shells sound good, and the price is affordable.  It is really amazing how good entry level kits are these days, giving even pro kits a run for their money at times.  A little money goes a long way when invested wisely in the right kind of drumset.

The real talking point about this kit is the hardware.  More than any other entry kit, it has excellent, excellent hardware (starcast system I think).  It is easy to set up and arrange.  When the toms must be unmounted, the can be removed and returned with no alterations made to the arrangement.  This is convenent when gigging (if you dont have drum cases) so that the pack up is quick.  Once stationed where you want them, the toms really stay in place.  Even the hi hat and snare stand seemed better than normal, very sturdy and effective.  The wood used is a mix of mahogany and basswood, and the shells sound good.  One drawback was that the heads that came with it were really thin and hard to tune.  When replaced, it sounded a whole lot better. 

Overall, this is another example of an excellent entry level kit.  It is robably a few steps above the Pearl Forum/Ludwig Accent level, and comperable t that of the Gretsch Catalina line.  It sounds great, is mounted great, and looks fine.  I would recommend this to any drummer looking for a good deal and a drumset they can use even as their taste grows more expensive and more exclusive.  It is a great drumset.