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Digidesign DINR
Digidesign DINR

Logiciel de restauration audio de la marque Digidesign

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Publié le 13/02/09 à 06:41
Rapport qualité/prix : Excellent
contenu en anglais (contenu en anglais)
Installing the Digidesign DINR was easy and I have had not problems with this plug-in since installing it. I had no compatibility issues with this whatsoever and it has never acted up while I was using it. The configuration of the plug-in is simple and easy to follow overall. I don't have a manual for this plug-in, so I don't know how helpful it is or not.


I run DINR in Pro Tools LE 7.4 on a Mac Book Pro with a 2.2 Ghz Intel Core 2 Duo processor and 4 GB of RAM. Being the nature of a noise reduction plug-in, I only use this on one track at a time really. For this I have never had a problem and it isn't really made to be able to run a bunch of these at once, so I wouldn't be surprised if it would slow down your system if you tried to do that. If a few tracks need noise reduction I will process it and print it as a new track to save processing power. Overall this plug-in is stable with my configuration.


I've had this plug-in for two years. It definitley works when you need to filter out noise on a track or for digital restoration in general. While it is powerful in what it does, if there is a lot of noise on track, there is only so much it can do without cutting out frequencies that cut into the instrument signal. If there is a moderate or small amount of noise, this is great at getting rid of it. The price of this is pretty cheap and I would recommend it more to those needing to restore old audio, as it works best for this. I don't know what I would compare this plug-in to simply because this is the only noise reduction plug-in I have. This plug-in does what it claims and is definitley a good option for noise reduction.