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< Tous les avis DiMarzio DP224 AT-1 Andy Timmons
tjon901 tjon901

« Modern PAF with tons of low end »

Publié le 12/08/11 à 17:57
contenu en anglais (contenu en anglais)
Andy Timmons is a slightly lesser known guitar player but he is really good. He is one of the more traditional sounding Ibanez players. He first became famous in his 80s glam band Danger Danger. His signature guitars kind of mix traditional tones with modern playability. He mostly uses single coils in his guitar but this is one of his signature humbucker models. Dimarzio is always working with its artists to constantly improve their tone and evolve their sound. This is the AT-1 Dimario. Like most Dimarzio humbuckers it is a modified version of their PAF pro pickup. It has 4 conductor wiring so it can be split and it has an alnico 5 magnet. The pickup is pretty hot. It has an output of 16k. For Andy Timmons sound he wanted to take the PAF but have it with more low end to it. It is designed for strat scale guitars with mahogany bodies. The EQ on this pickup is slanted towards the low end. The mids and the bass are about equal but the high end is cut a bit. This pickup is very sensative to your volume knob inputs. Not many pickups are this dynamic to your inputs on the controls. Because Timmons is such a single coil player the split tones on this pickup are not an afterthought. Usually when you cut a humbucker in half you get a pretty weak single coil tone but on this pickup the single coil tone is pretty nice. Not many people will be using this pickup for metal but you can really do it. It is hot enough and the low end is not flubby so you could get by but I would not recommend it. If you want a more beefy sounding PAF pickup that has some great split tones this is a good pickup to get.