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Sound Magic iVoiceLord

Sound Magic iVoiceLord

Micro pour tablette/iDevice de la marque Sound Magic

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Prix public : 129 € TTC

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Fiche technique

  • Fabricant : Sound Magic
  • Modèle : iVoiceLord
  • Catégorie : Micros pour tablettes/iDevices
  • Fiche créée le : 24/08/2015

Condenser microphone for iOS and Android devices, completed with an HTML5 control app

  • studio quality condenser capsule
  • Cardioid pick-up pattern
  • Connects to the headphone/mic jack of the iDevice
  • HTML5 app for volume control, polar pattern display, instructions on how to optimize sound (draw a rough frequency response curve in the APP, then it will automatically calculate the result for you). 
  • Vocalist Plugin provided, which stores the microphone performance data and  combines effects units such as De-esser, EQ, Compressor, Doubler and Reverb

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